@hrt_rulz01: Sunshine is why I'm waiting for a GameCube mini. I loved it more than Odyssey. With Odyssey moons were hidden in dumb places like on a ledge or some other easily accessible place
Celsius765's forum posts
It'll have to be better than Odyssey. I only finished the game once and don't wanna play it again. I want to feel a sense of accomplishment collecting whatever items of power a game has. It's why I still prefer Sunshine
I just want Sony to get back on the ball with first party games. They've dwindled it down to xbox 360 levels of tiny up list
You are not wrong. I prefer digital games over physical but I prefer the game installed on my device of choice as opposed to massive amounts of data streaming over my not always reliable internet
But will Don't first party games be great? I have been PlayStation faithful since ps one and it feels like their first party line up is on the decline. And of late aside from a few third party exclusives I almost never buy games for my ps4
@Litchie: it depends on how daring the devs are for some they tend to keep male characters stoic and their butts flat. Kinda unrealistic if a guy is beefy why neglect the butt. You saw how Nintendo nerfed Snake's butt in smash maybe? And now they don't gotta crawl just stop being an unfeeling rock. Every aspect of the body helps bring out certain demeanor when posing that includes facial expression And attitude.
If y'all want skimpy clothes I want fabulous thick boys and I don't mean gigantic freaky bodybuilder thick. Add sexy poses and sass because a lot of MK guys are so serious it's unappealing. I know you guys think the big musclemen in games is objectifying men but it's really a power trip for male gamers. I don't think devs truly know what ladies want in a male protagonist.
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