No but I have and still think about it. But at just can't justify switching consoles. Only benefits I see are a better UI, better battery life, and a more durable controller.
I been wondering, can't immigrants approach border security and work something out to get on a payment plan toward proper citizenship. All this sneaking in sounds dangerous especially with kids in tow.
Why not both. I prefer third person but some people don't. I prefer flexible movement and speed and some people are ok with not having that. I like to see my character and some people are ok playing as a pair of hands and a gun
@ivangrozny: that depends on if I can switch between first and third person view. That way I don't have to play as a pair of hands. First person view is slow and imprecise. Makes me feel like I'm in an on rails shooter or Minecraft where all Steve can do is wag his tools in a simplistic motion. I don't enjoy the simplicity of first person.
I happened to have liked the female Ghostbusters. But to be honest her performance in it was mostly forgettable. And I didn't care for Chris Eveans playing a ditzy secretary Janine wasn't like that atleast not in the cartoon. What I really want is a mix gender Ghostbusters team like the extreme Ghostbusters cartoon. Like the other 3 ladies did a stand out performance but she was underwhelming
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