Im really digging the explorer aspect, finding planets, naming them and see what each world has to offer. However knowing the internet I'm pretty sure we are going to have hundreds of planets named after phallic objects...
I will say, I give the devs kudos for the relatively unique concept. If they ever get around to making a sequel I can see a potential great game if the address the bugs lack of variety in activities.
I only recently started to play it and can say I am honestly surprised by the level of fun to be had. Glad to hear it made some money, hope the next game captures all the good stuff of the first.
I know this is big news for Gamespot, and one that will probably lend to some heated comments and debates for days to come. However I have just one thing to say... WTF did I just watch in the Youtube link??? W.T.F....
@de-astroturfer @Centurion95 @Ferrybird I sincerely hope so de-astroturfer. I few months ago when that NSA stuff leaked I asked a few of my friends what they thought and mostly it was "Eh" (back to smartphone) or "Obama would never do that..." (Sigh...) If this isn't nipped in the bud it will become the new normal.
@Ferrybird Your pretty much spot on, some recent studies show that the younger generations tend to view privacy as less and less of an issue than their parents. What with growing up in an age where everything is open on the internet it makes sense that the concept of "privacy" is shrinking to the point where news that the gov is all in your business barely registers as a blip on the public.
So how long until someone at the NSA says "BRILLIANT!" I mean live viewing must be more much more exciting for some gov worker then scrubbing through peoples texts.
Centurion95's comments