So it should Aussies pay $90-$110 for new release titles. But can find the same game in the US or UK for $50-$70. Our Classification Board also tries to restrict the purchase and importation of products from other countries.
They practically give away games at ridiculously low prices like all the half-lifes in one pack for $5 and some people complain. You can get some new releases at 50 -75% off on some weeks.
I liked the game. Not much different to the original but the formular works and it's one of the best you can get for an RTS. Next I would like to see the Asian front between China and Japan just to give us a whole new set of mission and to bring some attention to that brutal part of the war that is not known by many from the west.
I never take a specific consoles side because I plan to own them all. For me it's all about gaming not loyality to a certain brand. But I do get annoyed by their policies.
I find that PSN and Xbox Live are just as easy to uses as each other. I have never had any issues or difficulties operating either. The connection setup process is basically identical just with a different user interface.
If you can't figure it out (this comment is not aimed at you) then perhaps you shouldn't be playing video games.
It looks awesome but I feel if you take away the turn based combat and replace it with hack n slash mechanics it stops being a true FF game and becomes just another flashy hack n slash title that is using the FF name to sell.
I will buy the WiiU. Just not right now. I will wait for the price to dip and more games to be released. So don't stress Nintendo. People just aren't fully ready to make the change just yet.
ChaosUndivided's comments