@sarosh_assassin They did say MGS5 will have much less movie scenes and more game play and anyone who has played any MGS games knows you do more watching then playing.
Do they still have Spartans. Used to love backing into the corner of a stage with 3-4 units and taking on 3 full armies. I would just leave them in choke points on the world map and rotate the men when numbers got low. Eventually you would get a fully experience and equipped Spartan army and then just march across the land find a good spot to sit and declare war with everyone and just watch them all fail.
The battles look great but as with all Total War games I eventually just use the auto resolve because after a while or your doing is having these massive battles all the time with 3-4 full armies that last for hours. In the end all I focus on is the campaign map. So I hope they are putting just as much effort in to that.
Next they should do an odd couple thing by having some hardcore COD fans share a house with some hardcore Battlefield fans and have them do challenges on a variety of different FPS. To see which team is the best. This would spark some interesting debates.
As someone who doesn't play many fighting games anymore this actually looks quite fun and despite the review saying it has a weak story I still want to see it.
It's been a while since I played a MMO. As long as they keep the battle mechanics and level system of the previous 3 single player titles and not have it play like WoW & WaR. I may get this game.
We should get her to actually sit down and play these games with gamers and witness the joy and laughter that we get from playing these games. So that she actually has a informed opinion about something.
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