Also most horror films lose their scare factor past the 3rd in the series for the same reason RE has. We already have and idea of what's going on. In the first game we saw zombies but we weren't sure what was going on for a while. Was it super-natural was it sci-fi? Were zombies the only threat?
It's a good idea to get outside the "classic" cast. Part of what makes a game or movie "scary" is the aura of mystery. RE has lost that, there's always an outbreak caused by Umbrella , or some sort of Neo Umbrella group. It's always zombies and the protagonists have already dealt with these Zombies for several games now. It's better to have a new threat with a protagonists who has know prior knowledge in how to deal with the situation.
People also form these attachments t these characters who have no real distinguishable personalities or characteristics. You can replace pretty much any protagonist in the RE games for one of the other "classics"with the same dialogue with a few alterations to who is referenced and there wouldn't be a feel of difference. Don't get me wrong Leon and Jill are my favorites, but why are they? Their character design...
Finally! Have been wanting to play these games again forever, but think a re-master would happen. $60 seem steep to many but the two together are definitely worth that price. Most remasters are around $29-49 so you multiply by two and you have the math. when you look at it and realize it's concept the design isn't dumb at all it's kind of creepy actually that there is a ghost hidden beneath the sheet made to look like Pikachu. It is easy to have a initial negative response to looking at it but as you analyze it's kind of cool has sort of a Cubone thing going
Chaos_Dante_456's comments