Hold up! Hold up, hold up, hold up. They've been demanding jobs for a long period of time. Now they're saying jobs are socialist/communist??? What is up with these guys and gals?
ChaoticThief's forum posts
Darn. I wantedto see how that pretty boy swag attitude would play out in the showers. But, luckily for him, he's a free man.
Gamespot Staff, you make it clear in the religious guidelines that no posts should offend people of any religious group or people who don't practice religion at all. Yet, there are posts almost everyday that seem to bash religion, mostly Christians and Muslims, for their beliefs. There are comments on these posts that are clearly outright insults against religious persons and groups. But you haven't done enough to stop these bigots. I'm making it clear right now that if you want to keep the Off-Topic-Discussion pages clean, do something about these people. I'm not saying silence every post that seems pro-Atheist or anything like that, but when you have people going off about Christians being stupid just because one guy who happened to be Christian decided to do something stupid or horrifying (check Norway Attacks 2011 posts), there's a problem. If you truly have any compassion and don't want anybody being offended by bigoted threads, then you need to get started and make OT a little bit more clean when it comes to religious stuff. Thank you.
I think I know what he's trying to say, but it's coming out wrong. The media is saying more about this guy being Christian and less about how tragic this event was. People are using this as an opportunity to bash Christianity and it's followers just because one guy out of several billion people in the world decided to kill a whole bunch of innocent people, and the fact that the guy turned out to be a Christian fundamentalist. Already, people on the Internet are being stupid as hell and getting in our faces because we're Christians and one self-proclaimed Christian decided to kill people. I'm seriously getting sick of this stuff.
I agree that they have no right to tell us what to buy, but last time I read, they were just adding a label pointing out the content, not banning video games. I really don't see the harm it does to the gaming community.
I was also just watching him talk about him being harassed, people seriously hate him that much that they have to bother him wherever he goes and they have to bother his family too?? People say republicans are so bad but at least you don't see them out bothering the liberals and harassing their family.
What do you guys think about this?? Do you think Glenn Beck deserves to be harassed wherever he goes just because of his opinions?
If this was a bunch of Tea Party members harassing a Democrat's family, the whole entire media would be freaking out. If it was a black Democrat's family, God help the hecklers. The entire liberal media would be coming down on your ass, and you might even get a visit from the racist anti-semites at the NAACP.
I don't care if the dude did it for profit or for attention or what. He's still gonna burn in Hell for pulling off crap like that.
Isn't he already a legendary rocker? Or is it just because he killed himself?Agent-Zero
Not really, man. His band (Nirvana) is rarely heard on the radio these days. Gotta love Teen Spirit, man.
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