You better believe I want New Mystery of the Emblem to come over here. We need more Marth! I'm also hoping that Nintendo might remake the other Japanese Fire Emblems and send them over here.....
I've had my Wii since Spring of 2008. It still works. Sometimes, the system freezes when I try to reset, but all I have to do is unplug the power then plug it back in, and I'm back on track. Believe me, Nintendo systems are built to last. My Super Nintendo is proof of that.
Is piracy really that big of a threat to Nintendo? Nintendo seems to be doing just as well as any other company. This doesn't mean I support piracy or anything of the sort, but I fail to see why Nintendo is so concerned. Haven't they already started putting anti piracy measures in games like New Super Mario Bros. Wii or Dragon Quest V?
In Twilight Princess it felt out of place for Link not to say anything during cutscenes when everyone else was saying stuff. I don't really care if there is voice acting or not, but at least give Link some lines of dialogue. It's about time for Link to come out of his shell. And if it so happens that Zelda (the series, not just the princess) does get voice acting, it will REALLY be out of place for Link to not say anything. Perhaps we're afraid that Link is going to say something really cheesy, and that's why most people don't want voice acting. Anything would be better than Navi's "Hey! Listen!" Zelda has always been about the gameplay. As long as it stays that way, I don't care what voice acting there is.
I always play with the GCN controller. My advice to you is to keep trying.....The enemy AI cheats and it's so frustrating! Seriously, you have to be luckier than James Bond in order to consistently win. It just doesn't matter how good you are.....You'll always get smashed by a Spiny Shell! I know some people have suggested moving into second to avoid it, but I'm usually way out in first because I actually play the game the way it's meant to be played. It's a freaking racing game, why should I be penalized for being in first? I really wish Nintendo would go back to making Mario Kart a skill based game rather than a luck based one. People always complain about RNG screwage in Fire Emblem and Pokemon.....I think Mario Kart is way worse when it comes to racing the AI.
Mario's been in enough online games already. I think it would be cool if the next Mario RPG was in the vein of Super Mario RPG, but in full 3D. It should look as least as good as Super Mario Galaxy. And, Yoshi should be a playable character. Maybe Mario could have a flashback to the time that Yoshi helped him as a baby in Yoshi's Island, then Mario comes to his senses and repents of all the times he has dismounted Yoshi in order to save himself......
Almost all the James Bond games for the Nintendo consoles have turned out very well, including and especially Goldeneye (for the 64, NOT Rogue Agent!) and Nightfire. Quantum of Solace was pretty bad, though. After playing that game, I was thinking it was time for James Bond to retire.....Let's hope he can redeem himself with this new Goldeneye.
I think Radiant Dawn kicks @$$. It's the sole reason I got a Wii in the first place because I knew it wouldn't have any stupid Wiimote controls. It's one of the very few games for the Wii that is meant for actual gamers. Radiant Dawn can't be beaten in a day, unlike a bunch of other Wii games. Yeah, it can be very difficult at first but it gets easier once you learn the chapter layouts and the best units to use. I'd love to see another Fire Emblem game for the Wii.
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