I understand where the reviewer is coming from, but she should have expected misogyny. GTA games are not known for their strong female characters, so I felt her argument against the blatant sexism in the game was inappropriate. If she felt she wanted to rant, she should have written an editorial about it because her thoughts on the subject do not belong in the review. Just my opinion of course.
Reading fanboy comments are always amusing. The debate seems to go on forever. If one system continuously caught on fire and the other was beautiful and perfect....the formers' fanboys would say that the console will be glorious after the kinks are worked out, the flames are so pretty, and that the latters' console is too perfect to be trusted. I'll be getting Virtual Boy and Philips CDi....3D gaming....wave of the future!
I've always wondered when they were going to try to re-make "The Wizard" I might see it when it comes to Starz. Maybe we'll get a Fred Savage cameo as the GT champion he has to beat before he decides to become a real driver.
What they need to do is complete the 75% done SW:1313. it's just sitting around, waiting to be finished, polished and sold...maybe someday...a next gen 1313 would be amazing. I've got nothing against the BF franchise, but I'm just not a fan of MO shooters...I need a storyline to kill things....killing over and over for points is just boring to me. Congrats on the new game though BF fans!
@NicholasT33 @Chefjase It's sixth sense rules...Bruce(forgot character name) saw things as he remembered them, not as they are, like the locked office he kept thinking was open.
I think as you step through the door to leave the house at game's end, you would see the front hall as if you'd just entered, like the repeating room in a horror movie.
I can't wait to experience the twist ending...ready...Kaitlin died on her trip and the family is still in the house in 2013...her mind creates the disappearance scenario because it can't cope with the truth. She is doomed to repeat the "return from Europe" and home exploration forever. That's what I'd like to see anyway.
Chefjase's comments