Looks amazing, can't wait. But who is this "Batman" fellow I keep hearing about? Seriously though, I hope they have some Scarecrow hallucination stuff. The Rha's dream world part and Mad Hatter platform fight in AC was cool, but I loved the scarecrow moments from AA.
Looking at some of the comments gives me an idea. BM Beyond actor Will Friedle might be a good choice. He has that edge when he used his Batman voice, plus it is a voice that the players are familiar with, at least to the majority of players....20 to 35. They probably won't go with a past actor, but perhaps they will get someone to do their best "young" Kevin Conroy. Sigh...at least Conroy still does some DC Animation features, though he should be asked to voice Batman for all of them.
As a guy, I chose a female Shepard because if I have a choice in who the camera follows behind for so many hours, it's going to be a woman. The fact that the incredible Jennifer Hale is the voice is just icing on my custom designed Supermodel Shepherd cake.
Well. I'm sure this new game will be amazing. However, it would be nice to get a break from the Joker...especially since Hamill will most likely not reprise his role. I would also love to see a new city. Tokyo would be amazing, as there are many places to hide his cache of equipment, perhaps atop the Wayne Ent. Tokyo headquarters. One can dream.
I'm thinking it will be a sequel to the Rebel Assault series. I've only played RA 2 a little, but an on rails shooter would be an appropriate offering for XBL. I guess we will all know within a few months. It could be good, back to the basics and keep it simple. Of course I'm salivating for 1313, but I'll consider this one too.
All I know is that I loved my Xbox and currently love my Xbox 360, even after having to replace it twice. I'm looking forward to the next gen. However I think they will probably re-think the permanent hard drive thing. How will they get us to buy more space without a removable hard drive? I've had my slim for two years and have used up about 75% of my HD space, just from updates and installing about every other game. I'd prefer the option to upgrade...and of course backwards compatability...heres hoping.
I think the NRA VP has lost his mind. first he suggests armed police at every school, now he tries to blame the tragedy on anything but the ease of availability of weapons in this country. I'm not personally against the 2nd ammendment, it exists and I respect it, but I believe the ability to "collect" assault weapons and purchase ultra powerful guns should be more tightly controlled and monitored. Naturally the NRA does not concern themselves with such matters.
They mentioned the occasionally dropping intelligence of the bad guys and that there are some invisible walls while trying to jump around. That's probably why it didn't get a 10.
I would like to see a Miranda game. Perhaps they could start just before her Cerberus career, then jump to the middle of said career, then a mission during ME3 hunting for info on her father's indoctrination research, then have a free-lance mission or two after ME3. Her powers and agility(ability to jump around maybe?) could increase over those few periods. She was engineered to develop her skills just above peak human ability as I understood it. I'm not sure which ending is canon, but they could figure something out if they wanted to set a mission post ME3. Just a thought, as I think she's an interesting character.
Chefjase's comments