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ChestyMcGee Blog

Bioshock, 360 Bundles and a New Video...

Some news and thoughts now:

Just played the Bioshock demo; not impressed. Considering everyone is ultra-hyped about this game I thought it would be better so I'm a little dissapointed. At first I was impressed, impressed until the combat started. The design of the game is amazing and I'm a great fan of that 1940-50s look so I'm naturally going to enjoy the quirky music and level design. Being a strong Athiest the whole idea of Rapture apeals to my imagination greatly so I like that too. Then I started fighting stuff.

Hitting stuff with a wrench? Great! Bring it on! That's very enjoyable but there seems to be no skill to using the wrench, you always seem to loose health because the enemy always get a hit in on you - therefore, what it really needs, is a Condemned style blocking system where if they hit your block or if you hit there's the attacker get's a little shook up, leaving the defender to get that vital hit in. This adds a great tactical perspective on hand to hand combat, something that Half-Life 2 could learn from aswell. But that's not so bad. It's something that would improve the game, but the fact it's not in there is hardly going to ruin the game for me.

Then I got a plasmid. This is where the game goes downhill for me. I would prefer it if you only got the plasmids everynow and then because I got very bored very quick of "zap, tw*t zap, tw*t over and over again. Because the plasmids can be used pretty much all of the time the game quickly draws away from its' genre of "FPS". Then I got a gun. A boring gun. It doesn't feel powerful to fire the weapons in the game at all, despite the force-feedback of the 360 controler. Games such as Call of Duty, even when playing it with a mouse - the furthest away from a real gun as you can get - the guns feel truely powerful and immense, it really feels like your doing some great damage, and CoD doesn't have destructible environments or any physics, making that a huge achievement (yet another for lesson for Half-Life 2, as well as Bioshock). Another thing that makes or breaks a FPS is the reloads of the weapons. I love reloading. Now as strange as that may seem I just think there's something great about all those purposeful, powerful movements and that lovely clicking noise. Now games like Black have amazing reloads. Bioshock doesn't (and neither does Half-Life 2, another lesson for that game). There are some very nice effects though like the thing smoke trails leading from the end of the revolver after firing it that isn't only there, but it sways in the right direction as you move around.

The hacking is another pointless edition to the game because you don't even need to do it, it costs about 10 dollarsor something to bypass the whole thing and sort of "pay" the robot to work for you and I had about $50 that I found in some dead dude's pocket. How you pay a robot I don't know.

Now I know I'm being picky here and the game was actually quite good, I don't hate it anywhere near as much as my brother does but I don't think I'll be buying it. I think my main problem with it is that it's called an FPS but there's no shooting. I'm not saying it's the developers fault for that, no, not at all. There needs to be a new official genre of gaming. Like when you hear of Oblivion you think "yep, RPG" but then when you think RPG you think 3rd person. I say there should be a new genre: First-Person Role Playing Game. Which Oblivion and Bioshock would fit perfectly into, along with Bioshock's spiritual prequal, System Shock 2.

In other news, I just learnt that my brother has a 10% off at Gamestation student card so I'll be getting my 360 there (£28 off! Yay!) and that Gamestation only do bundles with their 360's. Ah, but not normal crappy Game bundles where they make you pick one game from their list of five. A bundle that's very open; "360 and any game"! Wonderful. Though I don't know what to pick? What do you think guys? Refer to my list of games to see what there is to pick from - or if you think something's really good, just tell me anyway...just don't say Bioshock. ;)

In other other news I might have a new video up by tommorow - a World in Conflict fan trailer.

See ya soon!

A New review...

Well, not really a new review but I've re-written an old one. So, mabye the title cheated you a little but if you've got time take a look at my review for Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (or atleast recommend it)! :P

Xbox 360 Games Shortlist

Here's a list of games I want to get. I won't be getting all of them and there are a couple on there I'm mainly getting just because they seem to be the only thing anyone plays online (or is going to play).

Half-Life 2: The Orange Box

World in Conflict

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

Gears of War

Halo 3

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation

Left 4 Dead

Frontlines: Fuels of War

Battlefield: Bad Company

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Call of Duty 2

Unreal Tournament 3

Condemned: Criminal Origins

So there they are. A few of them arn't out till next year and there are mabye four on there that are old games I'll probably just get cheap 2nd hand. Although I'd prefer to have Gears to Halo I probably won't buy it; my Dad really wants to get it to play my with my bro online so he can get it if he really wants it so much -no need in me usin' up my money.

Ah yes, and here's the top 5 this yearI'll definetly be getting no matter what, mabye not at their release date but eventually:

Half-Life 2: The Orange Box

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Me, Rambling Like an Old Man...

Thanks to Ben for the title of this blog.

Please note: This is not a serious blog. All the moaning and rambling that follows is exagerated and I'm deliberatly not including any good points if I can help it in the style of an episode of Grumpy Old Menso don't just flameme in a fanboy-ish way fordissing your favourite game(Grumpy Old Men is a BBC series that is pretty much just interviews with ageing TV comedians and stars moaning about stuff, it's all quite exagerated but incredibly funny).

Also, this blog might end up being pretty long as I like a good rant so feel free to read it in sections...or not read it at all.


What in God's name is the world thinking!? The game isn't even good for Christ's sake (woah, lot's o' blasphemy there)! For a start, the singleplayer is just lifeless corridors populated with boxes bolted to the ground - I could make a better level myself on the Timesplitters 1 Level Creator (which was sh1t by the way). The AI isn't even good, everyone bums off how the little critters run away when the big dudes get killed. So what? It's just a cheap script that says something along the lines of "npc1 dies, npc 2 runs in opposite direction to player". Also, what's with this "revolutionary Halo control setup" that utilises 2 sticks with the shoulder buttons for firing? Ahem, Timesplitters came out a year before Halo and used that control setup (oh yes, and Timeplitters is actually good). Dual Wielding? I think I just wet myself? How exiting! You can pick which two guns you can have. Yeah, nice idea but who the foook cares!? They sold the whole damn game on that! How many idiots are there out there!? Now, I'm past the last gen let's get on to the apocolypse. Halo 3. Have you ever seen more cheap advertising? I don't think I have: Halo Mountain Dew; Halo controller (and that's just a few of the crap) but the worst of all...a Halo Scalene (I don't think I spelt that right)- yes, that's a car. A CAR! The online is a poor man's version of Quake 3 Arena or Unreal Tournament 2004 which are far superior games in every sense. It's as simple as that.

Gears of War: Worst. Singleplayer. Ever. You just run run run then clip to cover and shoot. Then repeat. Sooo repetetive. Then you've got the stupid golf-swing reload thing that adds nothing to the game what-so-ever, it's just pointless and distracting and even if you mess it up completely it hardly even takes that long to reload it anyway so who cares!? The online is stupid, I think we've established that any game that makes you wait the whole game after you die to respawn is tedious and annoying and should not be played. The game is racked with bugs too. Gears displays some of the worst patching I have ever seen. It's full of bugs so they release a patch, they fix one bug out of ten and add five more - they might as well have shipped it with 100 bugs and not patched it andthey'd still would have less bugs than the patched version now! And people go on about how well designed the game is, the whole game just looks like a copy of everything the Warhammer 40,000 team designed years ago and it's becoming increasingly common to find game resembling WH40k - it's just plain lazy. Wow...that was a pretty nerdy comparison.

World War II Games: For God's sake people leave Normandy and D-Day alone will you!? Dwight Eisenhower would be turning in his grave! Geez, how many times have we seen those bloody beaches (and yes, I mean to curse and say bloody literally - alot o' dudes died on those beaches)!? I hate all these game that try to be realistic and fail at it completely. And I'm not going to be overly picky and discredit things that are clearly for the game and not for realism's sake but when I see something where they've but it in the game to try and be realistic and it's just not that's what get's me really annoyed. Take Company of Heroes for example, the game's "blurb" says something along the lines of: "based ona true story - follow the bravest company of them all, Dog Company" - what true story!? World War Two!? Yeah, that exists by the way, yeah it's a true story. Good research guys. Oh and by the way, every single bleedin' Division has a Dog company! Which division are they in!?That's how it works!Every regiment is split up into divisions and every division into company and every company into squads and then into teams. Everyone has a "dog" company, for example, the 101st Airborne has an Able, a Dog and an Easy company amongst loads of other letters and so does the 82nd Airborne! Geez, they ought to have done there research better if a 15 year old can tell them that.

There you go guys. That's the end of my rant. Here's some pictures so you can compare Gears to Warhammer. Uh...that sounded bad.

Locust Dude

Big Locust Thing


Big Tyranid Thing

COG Soldier

Imperial Guard Soldier

Gears of War Architecture

Warhammer 40,000 Architecture

I'm changing my ways (yes, I'm getting a 360)...

Save your gloating for later. Chance are I'll be getting an Xbox 360 for my birthday (24th September). Now I've got some reasons for this; I know it's stupid and I should've realised earlier, but a gaming spec computer is pretty much unachievable for a 14...15, year-old guy with out a job. So, why waste my money buying out of date hardware just to make my pitiful PC slightly better than it is? No reason. No excuse.

I'm bored of being tied up in what hardware I can get and what computer I could build in a dream world where Nvidia GeForce 8800GTS graphics cards (pretty much the best in existence) are free and not £800. I miss the old days where I was relaxed, you get a console, you get a game, you put the game in the console and "hazzah!" - you're away. Easy. Nomore shall I trudge through system requirements and sytem tests and long installations and patching and waful loading times, only to find out that the frame-rate sucks and the game is un-playable on my crap system. I can't wait. And any-hoo, there are plenty of PC games I like on 360 and plenty of 360 games I like on PC so I won't miss out on much. I've wanted F.E.A.R for a while now so I can get that on 360 (or borrow it off Ben *wink wink*) and all the Half-Life 2 series is coming out in October so I'll definetly be getting that! The only thing I'm missing out on is FPS' are gonna be really hard without my trusty mouse - geez it's hard to get a headshot with a stick!

I'll probably be getting the Premium (obviously) but off as it's only £230 off there or something and I'll get the charge 'n' play thing, as MS call it for £14 too. I don't know what game I'll get with it so mabye you guys could help me with that. I'll want to get Ace Combat when that comes out, Half-Life when that comes out, I might get Bioshock and F.E.A.R when they come out but I don't know what else to get.

PS. I suppose I'll have to stoop low in my books and get Gears and Halo just so I can play 'em online with you lot. If either though it'll have to be Gears...not Halo. Infact, I sorta like Gears online... :)

I'll be joining you soon.

I'm back and I come bearing Quake...

Yep, back from holiday in Devon (yes, Devon - how exiting). Ignore anything that was on my "now playing" list while I was away...I only took the games' disks and not their boxes, that means no manual and yes, that means no CD Key (and if you still havn't got it that means no playing those games for me)! Luckily though, Far Cry didn't have a CD Key anyway for some reason so I played through that...and finished it in about 4 days.

Then while I was out going to the Bourne Supremacy on it's release date (which was AMAZING by the way) in some town called Paignton which was like a even sh1tter version of Blackpool...and if you know how much I hate Blackpool you'll get an idea of how bad Paington is...oh yeah, oops, lost track a bit, anyways, while I was there I bought Quake 4 and I was pleasantly suprised. Mabye that was becuase I wasn't expecting much but it was pretty good anyway. It was just about half way through though that I noticed I had only been outside once and that was in a boring vehicle based mission and that the whole game has been in poorly lit corridors. Now the corridors are more detailed than other corridor based games such as Halo (no, that wasn't a go at Halo, it's just obviously a PC has more power than an Xbox so corridors are obviously going to be detailed) but I was still left with some desire to see a beach and some crystaline water...uh, I've been playing Far Cry to much. So, don'y buy Quake 4 if you're thinking about it (not like anyone is) buy Quake 2 beacause Quake 2 is pretty much the same accept much MUCH harder and with crap graphics. Oh yeah, and it's old so that makes it cool! :P

I must go now; my planet needs me!

Yes I'm going on holiday for two weeks. And no, luckily that's not two weeks without gaming as I'll be with my Bro's laptop - and that means a 256MB ATI Video Card, 1GB RAM and a Dual Core Processor! Huraah! Check out my "now playing" list for what'll I'll be playing on it while I'm away...

Dangerous Fox Part 3 - The finnale to the greatest triology to grace this Earth

Dangerous Fox part 3 is up! Take a look!

Now I'll tell you this now; it's hardly the best part out of the three, but everyone has to watch the last part of a trilogy now don't they?

It's nice to have finnaly finished it...but now I feel a slight emptiness inside. I suppose I'll have to fill that emptiness with another rubbish film! I can't wait! And neither can you!

That's not an assumption - you WILL like this film and any that follow.

That is all. Sean out.

Stranglehold, Donkey Konga and some other stuff...

My brother just got the Stranglehold demo for 360 and WHAT A GAME! Truely awesome, even to just watch. You can't argue with a game where you can slide across tables, ride - and control - a trolley, run and slide down railings, crush dudes with neon lights and air-conditioning units! Plus, and this is the most important thing; everything exlpodes. Don't mess with Inspector Tequila!

Also, my brother (I should probably stop talking about my brother) found and bought Donkey Konga for £8 with two sets of Bongo drums! Amazing! What I didn't realise about it is that it actually has real songs in it - I just assumed it was full of cheap Nintendo tunes.

In other news Far Cry Intints Predator (or whatever it's called - with all these cheap console Far Cry spin offs it's easy to loose track) sucks, or atleast it does on the multiplayer.

In other other news: Free Radical have released a teaser picture for Time Splitters 4: take a look! Ben and Tom I'm sure you'll like it...

In other other other news (okay, last one): JEFF LOVES GARRY"S MOD. GARRY"S MOD IS AMAZING! I LOVE GARRY'S MOD!