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ChildOfGaming7 Blog

Games Listing Update + Gonna be gone

If anyone would like to see what games I have, I just updated my games list to be accurate. I realised I have been slacking with it being unchanged, so if you want to see what games are on my mind, Click over there on your left....

Anyways, I'll be off of Gamespot for the week of July 11th to July 18th. I'm going up to Alton Bay in New Hempshire with my family. We're going by train!!!!! :P


I'm contributing America's Obesity rate...

Yep, I'm working in fast food! Dairy Queen to be exact!!! I've been working there for 3 weeks, 2 days a week. My sister works there and that's how I got the job...

I mostly work at the drive-thru window, but I make ice cream and clean. Hopefully I can save up for all these Wii & DS games coming out...


COG's E3 Thoughts: Nintendo

Wow Nintendo! Talk about a major improvement over last years...

I was taking exams during Nintendo's conference, so I did not see it. But I will give my opinions on the games shown...

Metroid: Other M: I love you Team Ninja!! I'll get this day one! Imagine if Retro made Prime in third-person and you got this game.

SMG2: Yeah! I wasn't expecting Mario to show up this year. Talk about a sequel, I'll be getting this!! YEAAA YOSHI!!!

Golden Sun DS: I love you!

SMBWii: Yes! The graphics look very bad for a Wii game though, but I can't wait for this one!

Vitality Sensor: I...dun care...What does it do anyway?

Zelda ST: I already see this as an improvement to PH, so this one will be awesome!

All Other DS games: They're very cool!

I'm ChildOfGaming7 and I'm a happy camper! Don't doubt the Big N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Games, Here I Come!!!

As you may or may not know, E3 is going to happen on June 2nd. I will be at school (exams, no less :( ) and will keep the conference page up before school so I can view the show without knowing about the big game announcements...

I'm only watching Nintendo's though....

On a COG's life side-note, I'm also starting Band this summer and a job too...sooo...yeah...


Ben's coming to town!!!!

Here on Gamespot, I have a lot of friends from other countries. GB and funsohng are from Canada, MRA1990 is from Europe, and slipknoob is from....from...uhhh....I don't really know...somewhere in Central America or...I don't know...Get back to me on that (No offense, slipknoob!!!)...

I do have an Indian cousin. Not Native American, INDIA Indian.....

His name is Ben. He's in his 20s and lives in Nevada. He was adopted from India along with his sister Haley 20 years ago (I'm white BTW). I met him in 2006 when we were vactioning in flordia and we became good friends right off the bat...

Now he's coming to Ohio!!! I'm supposed to meet him at a Chinese resteraunt tonight and he's staying until Sunday!!

I haven't seen Haley in awhile, and excuse ME, I just wanted to share my life with you!!!


EXCIIITE!!!...bots + Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!!!


Today, I'm starting a new campain similar to Zack and Wiki (Which I bought andit made my head hurt) and Little King's Story (Which I am gonna buy and is being compared to The Conduit for some odd reason...)...sorta...

Look, Excitebots is a REALLY good game, it has unlockables, online, and comes with a WHEEL....BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!

Okay, here's my code for the game


And also, since it's mother's day, I like to say I love you mom!!!!

Mom rocks! Spend today with your mom....

I'm out!!


D-Town strikes again (I was not a part of it this time)!!!!

Check the last blog 'cause your not goona know what D-Town is and I expect you to read it and find out...

So anyway, Guess what was on D-Town this week. It's something you love, gamespotters. It sarts with an A. It comes from Japan...



That's what they had a segment on! Yeesh! I was so embaressed...For them and for me. But they had to be talking about it because it was popular, right? Just look at Japan (Oh!)!

Anyway, they were talking about their favorites and the show Fruits Baskets came up alot. A Senior I know reads it and...GB HELP me OUUT! Thenthe segment the theme from .hack.

I do like some though, but I was not interviewed (Yhuuu!)

Saving up for Excitebots ~COG

D-Town and EBA are Go!!!

Sup! Sup daaaawwwwwwwgg...


Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't been putting up good blog entries lately, but Today's topic is about High School, Pokemon, and the Elite Beat Agents!

I'm a high schoolar and I attend Delaware Hayes in Central Ohio. We have this thing on fridays in the morning where every room turns on their TVs and watches D-Town, a news thingy made by students.

Earlier in the week two people who work on D-Town asked me if I wanted to comment on a 90's fad which was Pokemon. I told them that when it came out, We were addicted to it! The games, the cards, the figurines! I told them everything! They even wanted me to do a Pokemon sound...


They caught that on camera and when they next Friday came, It was just me talking about it. A fat nerd (the camera adds 10 pounds) talking about Pokemon...UGH! I guessed they could find any people who wanted to talk about it....

I didn't see all of the segment. Mr. Morgen thought we were to loud and shut the TV off. But, I just laughed at myself for the rest of the day. Only a few of my friends knew I was on D-Town.

I sould be wary of D-Town from now on...

I don't want Rhythm Heaven now, so I got Elite Beat Agents and its way bettar...

Man, with all this games coming out, I might have to get a job. Oh wait! I AM!!! I sent an app for DQ's

Wish me luck!!!


GamerBoy wears floofy pants!!