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So I am speaking to you from my Boss PC in the basement. That's right- I have an internet connection down here now. Woo! I have MSN and Mozilla. I think that MSN works faster but maybe Mozilla will be better once I use it more or something.

Now to download the Omega drives to my 6800GT.


My 6800GT WORKS! HAHA! Doom 3 looks beautiful. Jarvis, you have no idea.

And even better! Blizzard showed off fottage of Ghost! It looks better than ever. The multiplayer..... My god... yeah, I'm(seizure)

Now I have a dilemma- either get the Cube version or the Xbox version. The Xbox version looks the best, but- I played Starcraft 64 and that was the first time I played Starcraft. Admittedly the PC verison is better, but I got so attached to the 64 version that it seems almost like heresy to purchase it for another console.

Maybe I'll buy both versions.


So this chick, Ilia, in Legend of Zelda, I'm hazarding a guess that she's Zelda. It makes sense- Blond hair, green eyes, gets kidnapped by a giant demon with a sword. Now the baby that the demon takes with, that's a mystery.

Rumor has it Zelda can turn into a hawk- I don't know. It's a great metaphor for Link's incompatibility with Zelda- wolves can't have sex with birds, and Zelda and Link never get together. Of course, i don't know if it's true that they never get together because I haven't been able to play any of the original games. But maybe that'll cahnge with the advent of wireless Revolution gaming, with those downloadable games. Nothing would be sweeter.

Except maybe Ayeka in a bikini.

"I had sex with a bird and now I have Asian bird flu." -Tycho


Hell yeah! My 6800GT arrived today. I did one last check on the specs and I'm confident this thing will work in my computer. I'll post later if it works.

Why, oh Why does Jarvis have to be right

Godammit. Link does turn into a wolf. I saw the video myself.

Not that it's a bad thing. It's just that Jarvis will probably shove it in my face like the dirty nacho eating freak he is.

Oh yeah. The new Zelda is called 'Twilight Princess'. Seeing as how the title, you know, means something when it comes to a book or movie or something, I have to assume that the same goes for games. Makes sense of course, a game with 'Zelda' as a title would be a pretty odd sports game.

So it probably has something to do with the 'twilight' of something. Of course it can't be everything in the Zelda series, because if it was, they'd have to nix work on the Zelda they claim they're working on for the Revolution right now. So instead of Omnius Finis Iminent, I'm guessing it's something to do with- well, I don't know. Maybe Hyrule will e destroyed once and for all and we can play in a new universe.

Well, it looks good, at least.

The Revolution. It definitely is fancy. Jarvis, don't get all hyped up. I haven't read your journal so I'll just say that if indeed you are moaning and whining. Small, pretty cool. Definitely not as powerful as the other consoles, but what the hell, might as well. It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it. I especially like the downloadable games part.

But what the hell is with them and their godforsaken GB mini? Do they honestly have to maek more of these goddam things? It think we have enough iterations of this frigggin(that's 3 g's) super nintendo. Pretty soon the GB will be so small my dog will eat it. Or maybe a baby will. Or a baby dog. Or dog baby.

In other news, here's some adverts I came up with while I was at Latin Day:

Internet urinal: Toilets are for f@gs.

Revolution: Like gameboy, only not!

X360: We love MTV.

PS3: Why have games that work when it's just SO COOL?

Gameboy mini: No, that's not for eating.


See, I'm trying to stifle my anger. Why? See, although I do not advocate rivalry between consoles- frankly speaking, I think that it's a moronic concept to ditch out on one console for another because of some stupid bias. However, this may be kind of hypocriticals, because I have an unrelenting hatred for Sony. I think of them as the MTV of video games- even if Microsoft catered to MTV for its' big release. Their mutant upbrining was Nintendo's fault, sure, but something about them just pisses me off. Maybe it's the fact that every Capcom game that was labeled 'exclusive' for Nintendo later turned out to be a PS2 release as well. Maybe it's the fact that they stole a whole plethora of franchises from Nintendo when they seceded. Maybe it's because they'll be the downfall of Nintendo, like Zeus was to Chronos. I don't know. All I know is, I absolutely friggin hate them.

So when I hear that Sony's processor is in fact easy to program for, when I hear that it is far more powerful than the X360 ever will be, it makes me mad. Very mad. I'm getting ulcers right now.

Well, I feel better knowing that Halo 3 is going to take the wind out of Sony's sails(pun?) next year. Hopefully. If it doesn't suck.

On an enraging note, and I'm not going to get too political but I have to say this- Newsweek needs to be shut down or something. They tell everyone that Gitmo soldiers flushed a Koran down the toilet and it sparked riots that killed 18 people. All they get is a slap on the wrist and say 'Oops, sorry'. These are the same guys that convinced us of 'broken heart syndrome' which is actually a derivative of chronic stress and called it an epidemic- same thing with West Nile and bugspray causing cancer. Freedom of the press, sure, but this is anarchy.

I think that was too much.

Things that make lots of un-sense.

For some odd reason there is a little tab in the Gamecube section labeled 'GC Demo' but it's a downloadable file for Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst- Which is a PC title. The wierdness factor is heightened by the fact that Nintendo will never see another PSO title for any of its systems.

Other than that we have a pinata that shoots flames out its ass. And here's a song made by my little sister-

Soft guitar lead-in- only two strings played alternately every 3 seconds

Time Flies!

Grandpa Dies!


What the hell?

Fez from that 70's show is proclaiming himself 'unofficial spokesperson for the X360'? I didn't think he ever had enough time off to play the games he mad in the sweatshops, much less play other games.

No, that's racist, I know. I just think Spanish people are funny.

Which reminds me- nto only does Ghost Recon 3's plot sound too Rainbow Six-y, or Six-ish, but Senator Robert Byrd is a Klansmember. Did you know that?

Holy s#%@ it's true!

So we really will be getting Halo 3 right as the PS3 launches! Hell yes!

Of course, this is a double edged sword. Halo 2 took one helluva long time and the graphics weren't exactly top notch, though they were brilliant at times. If it's coming out next year, it might end up getting screwed up. Bungie mgiht end up with not enough time. A rushed game is never a good thing.

Funny, though, since they spent years on Halo CE and told everyone 'we didn't have enough time' as an explanation for why they rehashed the first half of the game ot cover the last half. And they used the same excuse to explain shortcomings in Halo 2. At least, that's what I've been led to believe. Wierdos.