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Jesus, I guess it does s*ck

Ugh. The reviews for Advent Rising were justified. The screenshots made the game look so awesome. How could they screw them up so bad? They have two more games to make it up to me. I'll still beat it, because presumably the data will determine the events in the next few games. Hopefully. They haven't even delivered on the whole 'your choices affect the game' or anything. It had so much to promise. I hate saying it but this game really is bad. I just hope Advent 2 will be better. In the meantime, I'll just read the books Orson Scott Card builds around them.

Jesus, I guess I did make a terrible investment.

I mean, I haven't even played it yet and tehy're talking about it being a real shoddy game. They're saying that the game crashes on yuo for absolutely no reason. Christ, I don't know which is worse, the fact that it sucks or the fact that I bought it.
Maybe I should just play it to see it for myself first. Damn, that's depressing. Advent Rising promised so much and just totally screwed it up. Hopefully the second one will be better, they'll definitely put this series on the X360.
Good Lord, that's depressing.

Goddammit, I can't get it today

Because my stupid sis pissed mom off all day, in addition to finances. So it's all pretty stupid. I'll buy it tomorrow. I just hope none of my friends have bought it yet to rub it in my face. I hate it when they do that.
Of course, the joke's on them if the game sucks. But that's a risk I'm willing to take. Like the guys at Glyphx said, "It's their fifty bucks".
It wasn't supposed to mean it's their fault if they buy a bad game, they meant it as a justification as to why they were pumping so much awesome into the game.

What the hell is wrong with my sister

I don't put a question mark on that statement because it seems to convey my bewilderment even more.
Here's why.
It's Azumanga Diaoh, for those who don't know.

Now you see.


There's this game...

For the Nintendo DS, it's a whole wierd lawyer game. It's called "Phoenix Wright: Attorney at Law".
Can anybody say, "Harvey Birdman"?
I mean come on, his friggin first name is a goddam bird. What the hell is Nintendo trying to do?
Maybe they're trying to beat Midway to the punch. Is that how you say it? Whatever. The point is, Midway has all the rights to pretty much everything from Adult Swim, so it makes sense that they might be competing.
Maybe not. But wouldn't Aqua Teen Hunger Force look awesome if Midway used the Unreal Engine 3 on it? They have the engine you know.


There's a spoon in my ear!
Maybe I should allow comments in my journal. I mean, that way I could figure out if people are actually reading this damn thing.
So anyway, I took a three mile run today and probably lost weight, but ifI did, I gained it all back when I ate tons of crappy food at my cousins' birthday party. Doesn't matter, I'll probably take another one tomorrow.
And I have to do a paper on Jimmy Carter for history class. Not my favorite president but it doesn't matter to me. I woulda done Ronald Reagen or Dwight Eisenhower personally, but forces beyond my control prevented me from doing so. So I don't know when the project is due, or what I'm supposed to have done by Tuesday. Jarvi, do you know? If you do, post so in your damned journal.
And I want my Wierd Al CDs back.

Here's to high hopes for Advent Rising.

Really hope this game knocks my socks off. You can never be too sure a game is going to be as good as these guys say it will be. If it is I might give it a 10- of course, that score is reserved for a game that I've grown up with since my N64 days- namely, Legend of Zelda.
I want to preorder the Xbox 360 but I'm not sure if the preorders are sold out already- and if there wil be any more coming.