I'll return Advent tomorrow. I feel bad about doing it, though. The game held so much promise. And it was decent, at least. The combat worked. They could have done better on the storytelling though. We barely knew some characters before they were killed. And the universe wasn't fleshed out enough. You went from one place to the next in rapid succession. Wierd if you ask me. If there were more areas where you could juast walk around and explore and had more cutscenes for character development, and cleaned out the bugs, the Advent Universe definitely would have been more lifelike and immersive.
But Christ, the first 30 minutes were pure torture. All those terrible one-liners. Hell, neither Gideon nor Ethan so much as flinched when their planet was destroyed. Dumb. So I might as well return it. Get the money, use it to preorder Battlefield 2. Sometime during the summer I'll have to get a pre-order for an Xbox 360.
Hope Advent 2 and 3 are much, much better. They better use a different graphics engine. A better one.
I wonder if anybody's seen Crab Battle at newgrounds.com. Goddam Hilarious.
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