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Chinbobbabobot Blog

Gears of War Union is pretty cool.

Just found it today when they wanted to recruit me. Gears of War, I mean, Wow. I've stared at the screens a million times and I still can't get over it.
Here's one for you.
You might need to scroll over a bit.

That's called the Brumak. Can't wait to kill it.

Oh yeah, that reminds me. Happy D-Day!

I know it sounds wrong on at least *42* different levels, but it's the 61st anniversary.
My grandpa was never there but he was a prison warden in charge of 1000 SS Nazis during the last year of the war and also did postwar broadcasts.

The guys who made that assault were awesome. Superman has nothing on them.
"Superman? What are you doing in hell?"
"I killed a hooker. She made a crack about me being faster than a speeding bullet so I broke her spine."
Uh, Family Guy?

Kind of funny when you think about it.

I mean, I'm not going to have any new games to play until the 21st. Advent Rising doesn't count because of how low-quality that was.
So I'll probably see if I can rent Medal of Honor EA sometime soon. That way, I'll at least have something to do.
Maybe I will trade in Rising Sun when I trade in Advent as well.

Crab Battle!

I'll return Advent tomorrow. I feel bad about doing it, though. The game held so much promise. And it was decent, at least. The combat worked. They could have done better on the storytelling though. We barely knew some characters before they were killed. And the universe wasn't fleshed out enough. You went from one place to the next in rapid succession. Wierd if you ask me. If there were more areas where you could juast walk around and explore and had more cutscenes for character development, and cleaned out the bugs, the Advent Universe definitely would have been more lifelike and immersive.
But Christ, the first 30 minutes were pure torture. All those terrible one-liners. Hell, neither Gideon nor Ethan so much as flinched when their planet was destroyed. Dumb. So I might as well return it. Get the money, use it to preorder Battlefield 2. Sometime during the summer I'll have to get a pre-order for an Xbox 360.
Hope Advent 2 and 3 are much, much better. They better use a different graphics engine. A better one.

I wonder if anybody's seen Crab Battle at Goddam Hilarious.

You know what would be fun? Game Poetry.

Jarvis has that game poetry book and it's great. It'd be interesting to do some VG poetry myself, but then I thin baout how much poetry in general sucks and then I change my mind.

How does this sound? "Euthanasia: Friends don't let friends turn Ninety."

Of course you can't talk to me because I don't have comments available! Besides, I don't think anybody besides Jarvis actually reads this so whatever.