Yeah, Jarvi loves PSO. I do too. PSU..... I'll buy it on the PC.
And Jarvi, you spelled a word in the last sentence wrong.
Just so you know.
Splinter Cell=10/10
Yeah, Jarvi loves PSO. I do too. PSU..... I'll buy it on the PC.
And Jarvi, you spelled a word in the last sentence wrong.
Just so you know.
Splinter Cell=10/10
What does Goading mean again? I forgot.
So HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy was pretty good. At least, that's what I think. Maybe some people hate it, but I like it.
You know what looks stupid? Raze's Hell. Goddamn antiwar protestors decide to make a game where you kill little creatures trying to take over the world and kill everybody, and it's supposed to be all metaphorical and represent the war in Iraq. Because you know, we're TOTALLY like that. They have the bad guys represent America and they throw around phrases like "shock and awe" and talk about 'freedom' when they mean genocide. At least that's what the review says. Of course, these ****heads haven't actually talked to any soldiers from Iraq, much less actually paid attention to what's going on over there, or else they'd know we're not a bunch of genocidal maniacs. For that I wish every ****head that worked on the game would go to hell.
So, metaphorically speaking, you play Iraqi insurgents bent on killing the Americans. Great. Just what I need. Maybe I'm being too crazy or something, but if the evil dudes in Raze's Hell are supposed to be the 'evil American invasion of Iraq' then what the hell does the other side represent? Maybe they don't mean Iraqi terrorists specifically, but it seems that way. You know anybody who thinks these freaks are blowing up car bombs and killing innocent people in ice cream parlors in order to "free their country" or "save the Iraqis from the evil Americans" seriously needs a friggin brain exam, because these terrorists are not appreciated by the Iraqis and all they want is to retake what they lost when Saddam went down.
That's why we can't leave, or the establishment will fall and we'll be worse off than when we started.
Some say that Iraqis are now a source of terrorism, which is bull****. They hate the terrorists- why would they like a bunch of people that used to beat them with an iron fist?- and while they don't want us there, they sure as hell don't want to be left alone with their little Jihadist buddies. Trust me, I've listened to and read enough accounts from soldiers to know better than to listen to liars like Moore and Franken. I wouldn't go loving people who were driving car bombs into weddings either.
While we're on the subject, did you know 80% of soldiers worldwide voted for Bush?(Associated Press survey, I think. it was posted on yeah, sorta puts an end to that lie Moore was trying to spread that all american soldiers hate the president and don't want to fight. The letters he went and showcased in his stupid books were representative of a handful of soldiers.
'Course, as is customary these days, half the soldier's voting ballots got 'misplaced'.
I hate politics. I'll speak no more of it. You talk about it to me? I beat you.
That's a line from HitchHiker's. Specifically, Life, the Universe and Everything, which is also the name of a Gamespot Union. Actually, I forget. And 9x6 is actually 54, but then, this is British math.
Interesting. I'm looking up some stuff on this Abu Nidal Organizaiton and it's history is pretty much a dead giveaway to wether or not Hussein supported terrorists. Granted his ties to Al-Qaeda were communicative at the time of the invasion, but the fact remains that he supported plenty of other smaller organizaitons, like Abu Nidal and the PLO. Plus I heard we found some good ol' friends from the Achille Lauro hiding in Baghdad even while our tanks were rolling in to the streets.
His WMDs are probably in Syria, otherwise how could France, Germany and Russia all agree with what the CIA was saying, by word of their own intel agencies, and all of them still turn out to be wrong?
Seems kinda wierd. And nobody's really found any proof of "Bush's weapons of mass deception", so to speak, so I'm not worried. And then there's the whole thing about how oil is actually important for the infrastructure of, oh I don't know, the entire planet, so it's more likely that we're trying to help keep the globe from spinning apart than stealing it for Enron. Can you imagine what would happen if we ran out of gas and the trucks stopped moving? Well, for starters, there's the whole 'starving africans' thing that would get a lot worse. But enough of that.
DAMMIT, I want to be a Gamespot complete member, so I can track more games. But that requires a credit card and I don't have that.
Full Spectrum Warrior 2 looks pretty cool. So far there hasn't been word on it from Gamespot but there was an article in Xbox magazine. Half Life 2 looks pretty good. I'll buy it retail for my PC though, when I get a friggin 6800GT. just a few more weeks......
In the meantime I guess I should try asking my sis to buy me some manga.
w00t! Looks like Gamespot likes me SO MUCH they gave me control of the images you see here. I'll type in Wingdings now. Guess what I'm saying.
Kick you!
Guess! It begins with an F!
And a lot of people were crying 'conspiracy!' when they saw this:
That's Q33NY in Wingdings. Don't know why. Why is this so small now? I mean now it's either too big or too small.
Too bad I can't go to Quakecon, they've got Quake 4 multiplayer there.
My sis is going to anime boston soon. Her boyfriend owns the Anime and Manga Union.
Don't ask why I said that. Again, you had to be there.
A wizard walked along the beach, but nobody needed him.
I'm refrencing Jarvi. Now we just need to find lunchboxx.
Doom 3 for the Xbox is much shorter than Doom 3 for the PC. It makes sense, obviously, since if all 20 hours of it were shoved onto the box like a plague it would make the framerate impossibly slow. So slow in fact, that the game would begin moving backwards in time. Still, since this is my 3rd time playing it it's not much worth playing, except of course for seeing the graphics, since it is far better than my PC, what with an FX 5200. I'm going to upgrade it soon, of course. But I might need a new motherboard.
They'll probably cut a lot of stuff from Half-life 2 for the xbox as well.
And Battlefield 2 is coming soon, I'll need to get on that. Call of Duty 2 looks great, though one wonders what can be done when the game spans a subject that has had the LIVING **** beat out of it with a spoon. What's there to cover, you know? you might play it and think, "Hey, I played a level like this in Medal of honor for the PS"- because that's what it'll come down to someday, we'll be playing the same levels over and over again because every world war 2 game that's ever been created spans every inch of every battlefield.
I wonder if anybody will make a game to honor Korea vets. Of course, it could be a good thing or a bad one, nobody knows.
You know what? Somebody has to make a CNC Generals mod that's like CNC Renegade, but with a better graphics engine. It would be awesome having a multiplayer match using Renegade's formula. Buy yourself a USA Helo or a laser tank, and that would be awesome. But do it with a better graphics engine. Renegade's graphics are pretty good for an aged engine but could use some tweaking.
I'm refrencing Jarvi. Now we just need to find lunchboxx.
Doom 3 for the Xbox is much shorter than Doom 3 for the PC. It makes sense, obviously, since if all 20 hours of it were shoved onto the box like a plague it would make the framerate impossibly slow. So slow in fact, that the game would begin moving backwards in time. Still, since this is my 3rd time playing it it's not much worth playing, except of course for seeing the graphics, since it is far better than my PC, what with an FX 5200. I'm going to upgrade it soon, of course. But I might need a new motherboard.
They'll probably cut a lot of stuff from Half-life 2 for the xbox as well.
And Battlefield 2 is coming soon, I'll need to get on that. Call of Duty 2 looks great, though one wonders what can be done when the game spans a subject that has had the LIVING F*** beat out of it with a spoon. What's there to cover, you know? you might play it and think, "Hey, I played a level like this in Medal of honor for the PS"- because that's what it'll come down to someday, we'll be playing the same levels over and over again because every world war 2 game that's ever been created spans every inch of every battlefield.
I wonder if anybody will make a game to honor Korea vets. Of course, it could be a good thing or a bad one, nobody knows.
You know what? Somebody has to make a CNC Generals mod that's like CNC Renegade, but with a better graphics engine. It would be awesome having a multiplayer match using Renegade's formula. Buy yourself a USA Helo or a laser tank, and that would be awesome. But do it with a better graphics engine. Renegade's graphics are pretty good for an aged engine but could use some tweaking.
The answer is 42, thank you.
On the subject of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I think this is definietly one of the best series I have ever read. Usually when a book is adapted to a movie they mutate the whole thing and you come out of the theater screaming "That didn't happen!" like with- well, with a lot of book based movies. Can' t think of what they are right now. But hopefully with Hitchhikers, they'll make it good, especially since it seems that Adams himself was working on the script and it has barely changed since he died.
Speaking of great books, here's a list of the books that I can think of that rank as Some Of The Best Books I Have Ever Read. And a little description for those of you who get confused, if any of you actually read this journal and you don't just exist in my head.
No, screw it. I'll just give the names, you fickle little imaginary bastards. Maybe a reason.
Hitchhikers' series
Pretty much every book by Dale Brown, especially the Tin Man, Air Battle Force and Plan of Attack
Nano, by John Robert Marlow. Got me really interested in nanotech and transhumanism.
Chopper Ops series, I think his name is Mack Maloney. Pretty damn good.
The Last Book in the Universe. I have pretty fond memories, with all their post-apocalyptic freshness.
And that's all I can remember. At least right now.
In the meantime I will be doing...stuff.
But I'm finally getting around to talking about Brothers in Arms.
It's a great game. Some people say it's overhyped, but I don't think so. While the graphics aren't state of the art, the gameplay is solid. They've got a pretty ingenious system going on with the team combat. Context sensitive acitons determine what the command reticle looks like- over solid ground it looks like the 'move' command, over an enemy soldier it changes to the 'attack' command. Holding down both triggers while aiming at an enemy tells whichever fireteam is selected to charge the bastards you're aiming at.
Anti-tank combat is friggin great. Right now I'm trying to play through the Authentic setting- no icons to tell you if an enemy is suppressed, tougher enemies, etc. You get special features for completing levels on different difficulties, so it has tons of replay value. Combat's exhilarating as well.
So now I've got permission to order components for a PC online but I can't get the money for it until I get back from Norwich Military Academy in Vermont, and I'm going up there to check it out as part of a field trip typre thing. After NMA I can order the PC parts off and can expect them to come pretty soon. Until then, I just have to wait.
Apparently my local game cafe, The Combat Zone (TCZ) is truly no more. For anybody who's reading this, I'll elaborate-
TCZ opened in my town last July. It was a godsend. For 5 dollars an hour, or 20 dollars all-day, you could play whatever games you liked. It was Utopia. Rainbow Six 3, Operation Flashpoint, CNC Generals, Battlefield 1942, you name it, they had it- or would buy it. Three of my friends became full-time employees there and I played tons of games there. It used to be that me and my friends would hang out at each other's houses whenever we could. When TCZ opened, we just went there.
Apparently that place would have never existed if the Slavs who made Operation Flashpoint- was originally created to hold OF tournaments. Eventually it became a host site for a plethora of games. Finally, the founder of the website, whose online name is Holden, decided to make a gaming cafe by the same name.
He came to my hometown and set up TCZ with the help of a guy named Dan, who he knew for 15 years from a previous business endeavor. It was like Jesus descending from heaven, that's how awesome this place was.
Five months later. It's December, and TCZ was about to hold an event called "Sleep is for the Weak"- a seven day long gaming spree. 100 bucks for all week. Never happened. This is where I get sour.
Apparently Dan bought out a store in the mall called Digital Mayhem , a similar gaming cafe. This went against a business agreement and hence was illegal. So Holden sued Dan because it cost a fortune and was a violation in their agreement.
TCZ was forced to shut down soon thereafter as a court mandate. But it didn't stop there.
A month later, we found out that Dan broke into the cafe by breaking the lock. He loaded all the PC towers into the back of a truck, packed the futon there, left the monitors on the desks. Changed the lock on the way out, too.
This, of course, was a violation of the court agreement, which said that nobody was allowed in TCZ until the dispute settled. Dan later tried to escape court by trying to coax Holden into buying the PCs from him. Each PC had an Nvidia 5700, but ran Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 like a dream. Trust me, I've seen them in action.
Holden went to court over it. The court agreement said Holden could get half of the PCs back from Dan. Now he's selling the PCs because he can't salvage TCZ. Which means TCZ is closed forever. I plan on buying one of those PCs and upgrading it, so that maybe I can recreate a little bit of TCZ in my basement, which is where my consoles are. Hopefully I can help Holden resalvage some of his losses by buying one.
Dan still has Digital Mayhem, and he's living all nice and comfy. Shut down my goddam cafe and reaps the benefits. If Dan wasn't such a bastard, TCZ would still be here. I'm going to find a way to shut him down. Or at least, salvage the reamins of Holden's dream....
TCZ is dead. Long live TCZ.
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