@ravenkiller @surppo @LukeWesty I'd beat you hands down in a jet! I always crash into...Oh no, wait, that's bad. Oh yeah, that's it, I suck at flying jets. :(
@Smokescreened84 @Chrisf7 @Fordy22 @surppo @wcwj26 But you said you won't play Rock* games because they are sexist, yet you play Saints Row, which is worse for that. You don't want to play as a male, fine, good for you. But don't slate a game for being sexist, refusing to play it on those grounds (this was your initial point before talking about not wanting to play a 'male lead'), then play a game that is worse.
@fredyellowone @franizarduy Sleeping Dogs should be better, it was released in 2012, whereas GTA IV was released in 2008. Graphically it should be superior, gameplay wise it should be superior. But it isn't (I have both games btw). The combat is better in sleeping dogs, and possibly the driving (although they were bad in both games), apart from that, I can't think of anything, off the top of my head, that was better in SD to GTA.
SD couldn't even grab my attention long enough for me to complete it, and I have tried numerous times to go back and finish it, if only for the achievements but I fail to do so every time, through boredom.
They can absolutely be compared, but for me, GTA IV wins hands down (and I think it has been the worst one out of the GTA franchise).
@Smokescreened84 @Chrisf7 @Fordy22 @surppo @wcwj26 That's crazy... I thought Saints Row was a good game. Saints Row 2, even better. But Saints Row the Third was awful. Completely over the top nonsense (aliens etc.), but because you can be female, you played it, you liked it, you'll play the next one (which looks even more ridiculous).
You can turn a blind eye to the sexism, because you can play a female character. I didn't think you were sexist until that last comment. I'm open mouthed, amazed at that comment.
@Jyakotu ...Or it does live up to expectations, then you have to fork out another £40 on DLC (I was going to write it in Dollars but I couldn't go through with it).
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