I have been thinking lately and have nearly come to the conclusion that good and evil don't actually exist, they are just mindsets. Like any species, we are here to multiply. Of course giving to charity and helping your mum with the washing will feel good because we are subconsciously moving towards our ultimate biological goal. We are here to help ourselves. I see people with religious tattoo carelessly talk about in a degrading manner about women all the time, and it does not phase them. I'm do not believe and I would never say such things. If good and evil actually existed, wouldn't typical 'evil' things be universal for everybody? I good and evil actually existed, in my eyes humans with literally no conscience would not exist (can't remember the name for them.) In my view 'good' and 'evil' requires a standard common denominator, and their is none, because each human builds their conscience off their own experiences, something that is good somewhere may be evil somewhere else, (which can be seen between different cultures.) If 'good' and 'evil' are actually forms in the universe, they have not yet reached earth.
Good day :P
Survival is a means to an end, and the practical exists so that we may indulge in the impractical. Morality does not exist in a solid form or energy, it is a practice and tradition of humanity. You cango round and about how impractical it is to believe in such a delusion that is morality or you can make the delusion truth make practicing it in real life. What we sense as truth in reality is irrelevant to a certain degree so long as we do not give up on base principals which can still sway from time to time and person to person.
Just trust in that you know of yourself as a flawed being and that there is still so much that none of us can comprehend, if you let pure logic rule your life than as a flawed being who is using a flawed system such a language to discern the near infinite complexity of sentient thought and well being than you are going to bind yourself with a lack of will and ethical decrepitude.
In other words try to think using more pictures and less analytic words, words can be deceiving yet pictures and experiences as a whole panorama are much harder to be perceived as fraudulent.
Good and evil are constructs of our own making, together they become our child and we must nuture it in order for it to grow into something productive, in the grand scheme of things we are still a very young race and are infantile in our own right, we cannot trust in our own rationality completely but the least we can do is try being unique and be apart from other species by practicing the impractical yet significant show that is moral continuity.
Of course I'm speaking out of my ass, Good day.
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