" Epic fail" declaration, gaming rigs, which the console should be compared to, are way more powerful. Still I would like to get a PS4, I mainly like consoles for their exclusive games, for multiplatform I stick to PC
@Fandango_Letho @ravager1989 @max-hit @Chronologo EA published Mass Effect, but Bioware is a studio OWNED BY EA, same goes for Dead Space 3 developers, and Mass Effect 3 was lightyears away from the greatness of Mass Effect 2, it's seems that EA has something with any game that comes as the 3rd installment in any series
@PSYCHOV3N0M @lucutisborg Yeah but Kojima knows how much cutscene to put in, and he's pointing to a more mature audience. You can't expect a casual gamer or a CoD gamer (Yeah I hate those guys) to sit through a 10 min cutscene without wanting to touch the controller
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