@sonypony4eva: That's not really an apt comparison though. If Sonic had been on Genesis and PC, and Mario was just on SNES, I still would have had both, because I don't care for gaming on PCs. It's not like Halo and Forza are suddenly going to release on Playstation, so there's still console exclusives, which is what's needed to sell systems.
@waylow83: And I'm sick of coming here and seeing people use terms like "pswhore" when trying to make a point, even though that brings you down to the level of the people that you're sick of seeing.
@onehitta323: Both consoles have pros and cons, but just because one has sold more doesn't make the other one that the "wrong choice." The Xbox One is the right choice for me because I couldn't care less about any of the exclusives on PS4 (with the exception of God of War), and I enjoy almost all of the Xbox exclusives. Stop trying to make people feel bad because they didn't purchase the same thing as you (that goes for @waylow83 too).
@fatelementality: Maybe it has something to do with the fact that while giving your opinion you insinuated that anyone that disagrees with you is wrong. "The only reason someone tells you Gold games are better is because they're clueless and haven't seen the other side." That's an ignorant statement given that people have different opinions. Well I have seen the other side, and it's generally crap compared to the games I get with Gold. You can disagree, and that's totally cool, but that doesn't make my opinion wrong.
@bunchanumbers: Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the games shouldn't be released on Nintendo's systems, just that I can understand the reasoning for putting them elsewhere (especially considering the install base of each console).
@Ripper_TV: Crappy is obviously subjective, but how is it needlessly complicated? Twice a month you can get free games by clicking on a tile on the dashboard. What part of that is complicated?
@bunchanumbers: My guess is it's because they're almost never as good as Zelda games, so rather than going head-to-head on the same console, they allow people on the other consoles to get their Zelda fix.
@Berserk8989: Could be a similar situation to the SyFy channel; they ended up changing the name (from Sci Fi) because they weren't able to copyright "Sci Fi" because that's a regular term, but SyFy is their own made up word.
Chyld989's comments