@louixiii: Oh, so you got that I was mocking you by using your own inane comments against you but you just decided to ignore the fact that they were inane? Makes sense given that you have no real argument to stand on.
...when did I say catching invisible creatures had turned into programming? At work I'm a programmer, at home I catch Pokémon (and do a myriad of other things). Is English not your native language? It's cool if so, it would explain why you're having some trouble understanding simple ideas.
@louixiii: Well you clearly didn't get that I was mocking you with your own words. Not that I should be surprised, most people like you can't understand when people are mocking you and it needs to be explicitly pointed out to you.
He didn't say it himself, but to say that he could have is just stupid. You also didn't say that you're a child who lives with your mother and has no friends, but you could have! See how insane that sounds? He wasn't being an ass at all, he was just pointing out that he both plays the game and has a job. Nothing ass-ish about that.
Work went fine today, thanks for asking! Was a bit stuck on working out how to use a 3rd party program to inject some data into the SQL databases we use, but I think I figured out how to make it work just before I left. Wish me luck for tomorrow!
@louixiii: Your comments only bother me in the sense that they follow no known form a logic. But then again I get bothered whenever anyone tries to use a non-logical argument.
@louixiii: You didn't strike a nerve at all. In fact, you must think pretty highly of yourself if you think you, a random person on the internet, can make me upset just by spouting bullshit over and over while pretending that you're the one that's making sense.
Like I said, it made you seem surprised. Maybe you weren't, but that's how it seemed. Of course the lack of being able to express much emotion on the internet obviously makes it hard to always properly convey your message (not trying to be a dig at you, that's true of everyone on the internet that doesn't excessively use emoticons along with their text).
See, now your'e the one assuming. I'm 34 years old, have had a job at the same place for just shy of 8 years, and while I don't expect you to believe it, it doesn't make it any less true. Only an idiot would give too much information about themselves on the internet these days though, as it's becoming increasingly easy to **** with people either through identity theft, doxing, or even actual theft (know where a person works and it's easy enough to find out when they're not home). Again, not trying to say that you specifically have this as an end-game, but oversharing isn't a good idea.
I don't...I don't know what you're trying to say here.
Referring back to what I said earlier, conveying emotion on the internet is hard, so if you tried to convey sarcasm I clearly missed it, though I don't understand how "But it's not needed" is supposed to be sarcastic at all. Though the fact that you think I live in a make believe place called "Land of The Fairies" may explain a lot about why you act the way you do.
Rather than just repeating the same drivel, why not try actually explaining yourself? You seemed upset with people playing Pokémon Go, which is a means to relieve stress, but you're okay with people having a means to relieve stress. Those two things don't go very well together, so maybe trying using your words to convey your message.
@louixiii: Did BobDole1 say his light bill was overdue? Did those words come out of his mouth..or are you implying things that aren't true (again). Stop assuming please...you make an a$$ of yourself each time.
@louixiii: if you already have a job, why does suncato's comment bother you lol Do you really have a job...and if so, then prove it. If not, save the whiny responses.
@louixiii: 1) You didn't flat out say you were surprised, but the fact that you were asking me why I would bother responding if I had a job makes it seem like you didn't expect people to think your comment was stupid.
2) How the hell do you want me to prove that I have a job? Why would I lie about that? I might as well make an accusation that you don't have a job and are posting here in an attempt to make people on the internet think you have a job, even though you don't.
3) Where did I say that I'm not okay with people having different opinions than I do? Oh, sorry, let me try this like you would: Show me where I typed those words! Show me where I typed those exact words! In all seriousness, I wouldn't prefer that you tell people to mooch off the system, I'd prefer you don't tell other people how to live their lives, but I'm not going to flat out tell you to do that, because then I'd be sinking to your level.
4) Your response actually doesn't make any sense whatsoever in regards to what I said, so let's try again. I said "you should accept the fact that people have different opinions and just let people enjoy themselves", to which you responded "But it's not needed." So again I ask, "Letting people enjoy themselves isn't needed?"
5) You didn't use the words "people can't have an outlet to relieve stress", but you're getting all up in people's business if the outlet that they use to relieve stress is Pokémon Go. Hence my "who the hell are you to tell them they can't have that."
Chyld989's comments