@highlanderjimd Interesting that you say that Watch_Dogs was choppy and that the PC was smoother, guess what genius, the creator said on Spike TV that the demo revealed yesterday was running on a PC. Shows how much of an ignorant you are.
@gatsbythepig @MadCityTech Thinking about you touching yourself while thinking about him getting excited for the announcement makes me want to touch myself.. wait, what?
The moment this review was made justice for me was right in the beginning of the game, when treading along with a marine to the Evac zone I kill an alien and I get a right in my f**king face: "YOU ARE RANK 2".
In a game where mood and environment should pick the pace I get ranks à la multiplayer? I was almost expecting an heavy guitar reef after that.. I don't know who had this "brilliant" idea but he\she is clearly confused on the tone the game should have.
Unfortunately this is nothing I wasn't expecting, since the first gameplay footage that you could sense the animations were going to be bad, and so they are, no aliens crawling and ambushing you from ceilings, they just look like retarded raging humanoids, there's no "you're my prey" feeling from them, they just appear to charge in with no intelligence, wasn't that what made aliens great?.
Haha, great video! It's always hard to grasp all the details when you play the games with one year intervals.
For all those having problems about the video not being a proper explanation, the beginning of Dead Space 3 summarizes the story for those who don't remember or haven't played the first two games so stop whining geez, when did people become so self entitled?
CloWnCircus' comments