I like violent games and I understand your point in its entirety, senseless violence can raise a few eyebrows for the "outsiders" but it is also fun, how do we balance this? We can't have an all or nothing attitude, I love feeling deep emotional connections with my characters and meaningful violence to convey the tone that you, as the storyteller want to pass through, but I also like to chop off limbs and senseless debauchery, we need more thoughtful experiences in video games since we already have the mindless fun violence so I agree with you on this one.
We already have some good examples to show the world what this media can do in story telling and introspection but they're simply not the most popular, companies go where the money is and if you're not into games at all, all you know is what's advertised, and that's mostly violent games. (Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassins Creed, etc)
To sum it up, we need to better educate those who don't play.
@USAPATRIOT21 I don't know about you but I used to have fun doing that, I could tell you almost every detail of Resident Evil and I didn't even own the console, I used to stay hours at his house watching him play and giving him my insight on what he should do on puzzles and what not, granted that might not be the optimal setting, it was still fun.
@JimmeyBurrows @IceQBkid What I meant was, since AMD is suing the guy "..who helped oversee the company's negotiations to include hardware in the next-generation Xbox and PlayStation and also the Wii U." and knowing these negotiations are already pretty much closed since we're months away from the consoles reveal, it just sounds like AMD is butthurt (not a fanboy) about Nvidia getting the deal.
@deathstream @CloWnCircus Can you show me those comments where I repeatedly insulted anyone?
I don't care if you protest, go ahead, scream your lungs out.
Just don't try to take away the opportunity for someone else to enjoy something you don't, if the company removes this from the market people who would like to have it won't be able to, how is that fair?
@deathstream @CloWnCircus @gamingnerd121 @llamahead1 Really? Where do you live? Can you give some links to those news you speak about?
Art is a matter of taste, I don't like some abstract art that has been sold by millions, people liked it, they bought it, who am I to say otherwise? Isn't it a bit selfish trying to strict what other people can enjoy because others don't?
That's my point of view, I wouldn't even buy the thing, but if someone else was willing to and now probably can't because someone found it distasteful, it just seems like an idiocy,
CloWnCircus' comments