Those reviews really affected Knack and Killzone sales.
CloudStrife213's forum posts
I don't know which faction has the higher average age, but I do know that cows are more mature than lemmings. Cows understand that gaming is just a hobby that one shouldn't take seriously. Xboners are the ones who need to chill the f*ck out and realize there's a world other than the immature "Destined to save the universe" games that they play 24/7.
Says the guy who makes threads to incite a flamewar by fanboys on both side. You for one aren't in any way mature at all.
The Xbone isn't worth buying unless it gets exclusives that score 90%+.
There is a saying in Japan "Western game = shit game" The same can be said for your console.
So by your saying that means games from Naughty Dog are shit? lol
Flops only happen when people hype the game up or expect it to be amazingly amazing. Just like with Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack.
Better for you. Fanboy. Personal preference is what matters the most, just like what the guy in the video you posted said. He never said that the DS4 was better for everybody, but only that he found it better for himself.
I like the Xbox One controller better than the DS4, but never claimed it to be better for everybody because everyone has different preferences. Just like what the guy in the video said when he preferred the DS4 to the Xbox One controller. You are a typical Sony fanboy.
Why would it take that long to replace or repair the console?
Can't make enough consoles to keep up with demand, so they have no extra consoles to replace the defective ones.
So they aren't able to just repair those consoles? Meaning the system requires a complete replacement?
Are you a retard? I'm also getting a PS4. I'm getting both the Xbox One and PS4, so I don't really have to debate or argue about what I want.
What I've been advocating in this forum is that not all what Sony fanboys hyped up to be are what they expected, especially with all that they have been hyping about.
I just simply want to tell the truth to the people that the PS4 isn't really what fanboys hype it up to be and that they don't have the right to bash the Xbox One because of that. I provide evidence for the things that I post, like reviews, defective console links, graphics/performance analysis. I don't just provide a biased opinion like you; unlike you I provide evidence.
You are the delusional one for thinking that the PS4 does not have issues of its own. I know the Xbox One will have issues too and I am not blind to that since I'm not a delusional fanboy like you who refuses to even acknowledge that the PS4 has issues.
The fact of the matter is that you don't want want to acknowledge these issues because it hurts you, it pains you to see that there are issues.
Now go and play your shitty launch exclusives.
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