Ever heard of Tom Clancy's The Division? It's a an upcoming third-person tactical shooter action role-playing video game.
CloudStrife213's forum posts
You're lucky that the gaming stores in your country offer used games.
In my country, only brand new games are sold, although there is an advantage for us that games only cost about $42 tax included, if you are wondering, I live in Asia.
Come on dude, blatant fanboyism. Its fine if you don't like the games and nothing about Kinect interests you. But outside of the price the One has very good games and more coming. Graphics are good and will improve. The one thing the One needs is a 100-150 price drop. Nothing more. 4 million in 4 months with a hot game just released, constantly updating new features into the OS and finally releasing Kinect centric games like Kinect Sports Rivals and apps like Twitch broadcasting and indie games on the way. The One will be fine going forward. Juts gotta get that price down ASAP.
Not at all, my friend. I truly think both the PS4 and Xbox One are seriously disappointing. The inclusion of baked-in Twitch is excellent and I think that's a really necessary feature at this point.
However, the only thing that makes either of these consoles truly necessary are exclusives that you can't get anywhere else, and they have to be incredibly desirable exclusives.
Neither of the consoles do anything interesting or exciting that we weren't expecting, and more triangles can only add so much to games before the world needs another gaming revolution. Add to that a product manager like the one the Xbox One was burdened with, and you end up with a tepid console.
Kudos for your evaluation of the value of the Xbox One, though. I agree that it needs a serious price drop, and that price should put it below that of the PS4. Nothing is dramatic, nothing is outstanding, nothing is exciting. It's all tepid and predictable.
I was hoping for so much more, and to see a man like this at the helm makes me understand what went wrong.
You shouldn't define and judge the whole generation of a console on it's launch.
Kinect may not fancy you, but it may fancy others. Not everybody has the same interests as you, and you shouldn't assume that everyone does.
Also, what do you expect? Microsoft is marketing the Kinect, you can't have a person working for the company badmouthing it. You want Microsoft to fire the guy, when Microsoft itself wants to sell Kinects?
First of all, we cannot deny that this game was hyped up.
I got my prediction right about this game, that it would get an 8.
A score of 80 on Metacritic isn't low for a game, it's basically above average.
The thing is that video game scores are a big deal because video games are expensive. For 60 dollars, you have to decide carefully. The standards when it comes to video game scores is high because of how expensive video games are. The game is good, but it does go to show that the cows who are defending this game and have bashed Titanfall for getting an 86 on Metacritic are hypocrites. Nobody can deny Infamous Second Son was hyped up by cows.
If you have bashed Titanfall for getting an 86 on Metacritic and are now saying that an 8 is a good score and deserving of AAA, you are a f*cking hypocrite and a fanboy.
It's really funny how many cows are saying this game is AA/AAA for its score, but previously bashed Titanfall as if it was crap for just getting an 86 on metacritic.
For example; @GrenadeLauncher
You said that 90+ on Metacritic is the holy grail of games and an 87 for Titanfall means its a bad game and that hype was not met. You even said "87 is en par with LA Noire, Modern Warfare 2 and Tomb Raider: overrated games."
And here you are defending Infamous : Second Son. A game hyped up by many people and cows.
Dat hypocrisy is too funny. I have no doubt in my mind you are a diehard cow/fanboy.
You even said in this thread "Looking at a mid-80s metacritic score. Nicely done."
So a mid-80s score is nicely done now? When you said that Titanfall getting an 87 meant the game was bad. Don't deny that this game was hyped up by cows like you. I thought a 90+ on Metacritic was the holy grail of gaming?
It's good that Sony cares about my country and has decided to officially launch the PS4 here ever since January. Microsoft on the other hand doesn't give much of a damn about Asia since they lose to Sony by a huge margin in that region.
It's so funny how cows pretend that this game is a PS4 exclusive. News flash, it's not. It's out on Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One and PS4.
Saw comparison videos on all consoles (xbox 360, ps3, xbox one, ps4), and the graphical differences are so miniscule. You're a fanboy if you claim otherwise. Either case, I'm not getting the game on either last gen consoles or on the PS4.
I was actually looking forward to purchase this game on my PS3, but when I found out that it was a demo, I decided to wait for Phantom Pain. I'm not paying $30 for a demo. Phantom Pain is where it's at.
It's also funny now that cows consider an 8 a high score, when they were lambasting Titanfall for getting an 87 on metacritic.
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