@halosball said:
@CloudStrife213 said:
OP - Where the hell were you when the whole internet was bashing Microsoft? When articles were flooded with fanboy comments bashing the Xbox? You could say that the media was very much against the Xbox One, why could you not say anything about that?
You are clearly biased and in denial. Stop being in denial that Killzone and Knack aren't what people hyped it up to be.
I'm buying both consoles, so I am not a fanboy of any sort. People like you sicken me.
@Bruin1986 said:
Yeah...maybe I don't read the same "game media" that the TC apparently does.
M$ got DESTROYED with their DRM practices and initial presentations of the XBone by numerous media outlets. It's one of the primary reasons they reversed so many of their policies and have since focused more on games...
It's the same media that for the past few weeks has been declaring that many multi-plat launch games look "significantly better" on PS4 than XBone...
Seriously...if you actually believe M$ is paying them all off...well, I guess nobody can argue with you because you're beyond rationale argument.
Are you both serious? Ive heard this multiple times in this thread now. Makes me wonder if this the new go to excuse for Microsoft shills. The xbone got hate FROM FANS, and rightfully so. You both have already done a godd job of listing the plenty examples why the xbone deserved the hate. The xbone has deserved every ounce of the hate and more. The ISSUE here is with the GAMING MEDIA, NOT THE FANS. To lump in fan reactions with reactions from game medai is spinning and dishonesty.
This "argument" has NO MERIT and NEEDS TO DIE already.
The gaming media has been quick to come to Microsoft's defense AGAINST the fans, which brings the point of this thread home even further. The resolutiongate. The defending of Microsoft's DRM. Downplaying the power differences etc etc etc. Many exampls have been given. The xbox denalists have YET to raise one legitamte counter point. Instead i see them trying to humorize it John Stewart style in an attempt to de-legitimise this issue
So when the PS4 gets hate from the "fans" it isn't alright? When reviewers find Killzone and Knack a game that isn't great you deem it to be biased and unfair? Why ignore the issues of the PS4? I know that the Xbox One has issues, but most of those have been reversed now. I look at both sides and see the issues of both, you shouldn't turn a blind eye on the issues of Playstation, like you don't turn a blind eye on the Xbox One.
I am a Playstation fan and I am disappointed that the launch exclusives on the PS4 aren't good.
The issue that is at hand now is that the PS4 doesn't have any good launch exclusive games, the same can be said for the Xbox One, but that remains to be seen.
But when it comes to the dirty deeds of Sony, like how they will use YOUR information without your permission and people start bashing the Playstation, you come to its defense? How about the music pass you need to play music on the PS4? What about the rumors that there are defective PS4's? Don't people have the right to talk about that issue and react to it?
BTW, I am not justifying a purchase just because Call of Duty runs better on the other console.
Not that it matters because I will be buying both.
You can't bring the DRM argument as Sony was planning to implement it too, but Microsoft reversed its decision based on consumer feedback so Sony changed its decision too. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/DRM-Xbox-One-PlayStation-4-Shuhei-Yoshida-Hiroshi-Kawano,23292.html
You are definitely a fanboy.
I have no problem exposing the flaws of both consoles, or both companies because I am not a biased fanboy like you.
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