I love Dune, but I feel like this is going to be a flop. It's like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was a pretty good interpretation but absolutely no one turned out to the theaters because they knew the story inside and out. Everyone just waited for the rental. I feel like Dune is going to be the same way. There's the book, the 80s movie, and the TV miniseries. You know what's going to happen. People just aren't going to go out of their way to see this.
@Thanatos2k: It's 100% the real reason. Activision was tying up resources trying to bail out a poor selling game that they don't even own. The time had come where Activision had to decide whether or not to commit resources into helping make a third game or to bail out. They chose to bail out. I honestly don't blame them. The biggest trend in gaming right now is Battle Royale. Activison could probably make more money having High Moon develop a free to play Battle Royal game rather than tying them up making a third Destiny game that was probably going to fall beneath sales forecasts.
@Xylymphydyte: Well look at all the resources Activison was dumping into the game. Somebody had to pay all those High Moon employees to come in and bail Bungie out. It's not greed that High Moon's gotta eat. Bungie is NOT a well managed company.
@untouchables111: Reality Check: Bungie COULDN'T make their game at a reasonable pace. That's why Activision was loaning out High Moon to help get Bungie's work done for them.
@SirNormanislost: The quote you posted has nothing to do with shooting ideas down. It's why even some decent rated shows get canceled. ABC, for example, is always more likely to keep a show they 100% own vs a show they're paying out on.
@sladakrobot: Activision is heavily invested in their mobile division. Probably even more than console gaming. The truth is that Destiny probably ranked so low on their priorities that putting any effort or oversight into it wasn't worth their time anymore. I guarantee that there was a hell of a lot more board meetings on Candy Crush than Destiny.
@CTBradums: Are you out of your mind? Activision did the dumping. Destiny wasn't selling worth shit and Activision was pumping in resources from other studios just to keep Bungie afloat and out of the weeds. This is 100% about Activision pouring money into a badly selling franchise that they don't even own. I don't blame them for jumping ship early. There was no way they were going to tie up resources in a third lackluster game, so now was the perfect time to bail out.
SIGN A DEAL TO GIVE TRANSFORMERS BACK TO HIGH MOON! I mean, god damn. WFC and FoC was so god damn loved that the best part of the Bumblebee movie was trying to imitate it on the big screen. Third party companies are still releasing FoC toy figures to this day. FoC is one of the busiest PS3 forums on GameFAQs. And Hasbro's current toyline is actually called "War For Cybertron: Siege." Just sign a licensing deal with Hasbro already!
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