@Techtroll: Techtroll I'm going to tell you why they SHOULDN'T exist in the same multiplayer environment. In fact, Bungie explained it best when they were answering questions about why the PS3 and PS4 player bases weren't connected in Destiny. Bungie flat out said they didn't do it because PS4 users would have a distinct advantage over PS3 users in PvP due to the enhanced clarity. The same holds true in a PS4/PS4.5 environment. It won't be balanced, and developers aren't going to like to try to balance it. So you know what's going to happen? All multiplayer games are going to run at the lowest option. So then the real people crying are going to be the PS4.5 users who can't understand why their multiplayer looks exactly the same as their friends day one PS4. It's going to be a mess.
@p0tent: You shouldn't because it will help kill off the already struggling console market. People are not going to want to invest in a console that's going to need to be replaced every two years. If that becomes the norm then there's absolutely no reason not to move to PC. The console market is already suffering from Steam competition, mobile competition, and an inability to break into China's market. The last thing they need to do is hand people a reason to switch over to PC. These new consoles might as well come with Steam coupons.
@Techtroll: It's just a bad business decision to release another console when a large chunk of their player base hasn't even upgraded to the current console yet. Did Sony learn nothing from Sega's failures in the hardware market? Because Sony seems to be repeating the same mistakes that sunk Sega. This is a bad idea all around and really runs the risk of undermining consumer confidence. And for what? VR? A platform that is being embraced by almost no one. Yes, it's an interesting piece of tech that appeals to a minority of tech geeks, but that is a FAR cry from being a mass market success. Damaging consumer confidence in your brand just to help pimp a tech fad is a bad choice.
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