I'm not a master computer expert but GPU memory and CPU memory are not the same. You can't just say the PS4 has 8GB GDDR5 and then chuck 8GB DDR3 into your system. Your system build has 8GB CPU memory plus the 8GB GPU memory in the RX 480 graphics card. That has to be greater than what's inside a PS4 Pro (like, by a lot). In fact, I'm pretty sure the RX 480 is more powerful by itself than what you'd find in a PS4 Pro. Something about this whole thing just seems WAY off. I mean, no one should take this article seriously.
So basically Transformers War for/Fall of Cybertron COULD be backwards compatible. Activision just won't allow it so they can sell the $50 port instead. Nice.
Hello Games makes it clear that you almost certainly will not find another person during the entire time you play the game.
Wait, What?! I thought that was the whole purpose of this game? Randomly explore worlds and meet other explorers. So basically this is a single person game? Some planet may be named "Josh-1" but who gives a s***? Does it matter that it was named by a gamer and not a developer? There's no damn difference if you can't meet other gamers.
@Xero_Kaiser: No, but there are certain games that can draw out the very worst parts of your personality. I'm sure the guy from the article is probably a pretty nice guy on most days.
@kaminobenimizu: Injured in the legal sense doesn't have to mean physical injury.
"A comprehensive term for any wrong or harm done by one individual to another individual's body, rights, reputation, or property. Any interference with an individual's legally protected interest.
A civil injury is any damage done to person or property that is precipitated by a breach of contract, Negligence, or breach of duty."
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