Actually the male-Killian worked out better since he ended up having a romantic rivalry with Killian over Pepper. Unless Piper was going to start swinging both ways then that entire subplot would have been lost. Female-Killian would have ended up just being a pissed off ex that Tony slept with and pushed aside. Thus painting Pepper as the clueless current girlfriend defending her womanizing boyfriend against his former one night stand. Awful. Iron Man 3's fault in the villain was the butchering of the Mandarin character, not the portrayal of Killian. The fact that Shane Black can't see that is probably why IM3 ranks at the bottom of the MCU movies.
@Ex1st3nz: Yeah, that's NOT what's happening. Netflix is losing licensing deals left and right because everyone wants to start their own streaming services. That's why we lost Doctor Who. You'll also notice that Netflix lost a ton of new releases like Thor, Hunger Games, The Avengers, the new Transformers movies, etc. That's because Epix pulled their license deal from Netflix. So almost no more semi-new releases. People want that Netflix-money and they're pulling apart the Netflix catalog to get it.
@madgame23: The Wii U was just a flat out failed concept. They took the thing that made the Wii so popular (the social aspect of playing with friends) and flushed it down the toilet in favor of one tablet that all the kids fight over. They killed the Wii brand by trying to add some stupid focus group gimmick ("All our research says kids love tablets!") That had to be one of the biggest bone head moves in all of gaming. And what's worse is that they couldn't even deliver on their own gimmick. The Wii U tablet itself is like a dollar store ipad.
@ShinChuck: I'm not sure that's REALLY true about Twin Peaks though. I mean I'm sure the network probably screwed with things A LOT. But Lynch was just throwing crazy s*** at the wall for no other reason than just to throw crazy s*** at the wall. I remember the whole answer to "Who killed Laura Palmer" was just something they came up with after seeing crazy-looking-extra-guy standing over the bed during one take. That show was always going to go off the rails.
This show is doomed for failure right? Twin Peaks went off the rails back during it's original run. People only tuned in because they thought all the weird craziness had some deeper meaning and that there was "a plan." Once it came out that they were just making crap up as they went a long then the whole thing crash and burned. It's like Lost but even worse.
@suicidesn0wman: Because I don't think the problem can be fixed. You've got over bloated companies who show no signs of change, and gamers who refuse to embrace anything but the latest AAA game with the highest graphics.
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