Smurfing is a HUGE issue for new players. I just bought the game and I've been playing for about a week. I can't count the number of times that my group of noobs have got absolutely steam rolled by a group of level 4 accounts. It's hard to learn the game when your team can't even make it out of the spawn. People who have been playing for a week shouldn't be matched with a team who's been playing for a year. There's no opportunity for growth or improvement when your team is instant-dying.
If it was just one or two times, then fine. But this has happened to me enough that I caught on to it after the third day. Some of these people must have 10+ accounts in rotation. And honestly it seems to be a bigger problem on PC. I've seen this happen in PS3/PS4 games where someone creates a new name or a clan name. But it's just on a whole other level when it comes to PC Overwatch. There's entire teams creating new accounts just to steamroll players who are just starting out.
If this was published by EA or Activision then it would be a $20 DLC pack. I'm constantly impressed by Blizzard's support for this game and it's why I recently bought it on PC after playing it on PS4.
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