I agree with Sony. What the hell is Sony supposed to do if there's cheating or abusive reports about a Microsoft user? Why would they ever want to take responsibility for someone else's player base?
@romeothebeast: It's not a bad PC, although judging by the Amazon reviews there have been some quality control issues. That's not entirely unexpected from CyberPower. The only iffy part of the build is the power supply but it's about standard for a prebuilt.
I think we might be looking at another bomb. Maybe if there weren't so many other good movies coming out this year. But they've pissed off the hardcore fans by straying from the source material and the trailer looks too generic to attract new comers. The future isn't looking bright for this one.
@Utnayan: You know what's funny? That's the normal price! It's always been $720!
Never change with that top-notch reporting, Gamespot! Cyberpower has been offering that same PC since last year. They've just updated the cpu to Kaby Lake. This deal has been $720 since at least September of last year.
@Lord_Sesshy: 9 times out of 10, if you're getting lag on a dedicated server then it's a fault with your own connection. Sure, there are some crappy mismanaged servers out there. But generally, dedicated servers are going to offer better connections than peer to peer. And Destiny is the worst because they WILL let bad connections through. They don't want the bad press of people saying they can't connect. Are you connecting from a 56K modem that you built out a broken VCR? Congrats, Destiny welcomes you!
I would take Bungie's word if they hadn't single handily destroyed their own matchmaking system by prioritizing skill based matches over connection based matches. That means every game turned into a red bar nightmare because the matchmaker decided that your equal in skill was some goat herder living in the mountains of South America. And remember all the animal themed error codes during the first two years? The word "bee" still makes me cringe. This is not a company who has earned the benefit of the doubt, not by a long shot.
Why does anyone give a shit about Cliffy B these days? I tried to follow this dude on twitter and his life is apparently everything BUT gaming. Surely there's more knowledgeable people to follow. At this point I'd rather hear more of what some random Candy Crush developer has to say about XBox than Cliffy B. But be sure to pickup Overbreakers... err..I mean... Palabreakers... err..I mean... LawBreakers. Because Cliffy B is an innovator.
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