I knew sooner or later I'd get the "you're an idiot" comment about the 2142 rant. As is common knowledge people tend to form an opinon of you in the first thirty seconds of meeting you, or in this case viewing you. I made it very clear that I might be wrong, that the game was good, and to form your own opinions about the game. All while not being influenced by me. I was not in any way attempting to dissuade people from playing what is in most respects a solid game. Granted some of the problems mentioned are the result of players, things which cannot be controlled by the games designers. Any more than AWM hackers in Counter Strike can be contolled by Valve. In any case my opinions are just that, opinions. They can be no more ridiculous than the next person. Especially on what is in many respects a subjective matter, while I may run the game at full graphic and audio settings, the experience may be entirely different than that of someone who runs it on lower settings. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I have an opinion on what can be a great game, based on my experience with the game and previous refrence points from others in the series. Dispute them if you disagree, but why one needs to pull out epithets is beyond me. This topic has come up from time to time, if only becuase the anonymity of the internet allows for it. People can be as mean as they want to be, without any oversight.
I'm going to shift gears here since I'm thinking about it; blogging. In many cases we see so many blogs that are baseless, factless, and in some cases just plain rude. As are some comments to blogs that we see. The problem of anonymity on the internet has led to this. Now I am not calling for full disclosure of who people online really are but it would be nice to see some civility come to the net. As there is no oversight the internet allows for any nutjob with an axe to grind to spew whatever they want and then not provide any evidence to back it up. In general we see this as fanboyism on this site, but take politics for example. In may blogs ot forum posts political affiliations enter into the arguement and most of the time only end up ruining things. Politics have their place, this can in some cases be the place for it. But when it's used in an arguement over BF2, or CS, or some other game it makes little to no sense except in that the blogger/poster just wants to start a flame war. Why? What in God's good name is the purpose of flaming? Don't people have better things to do with their time? These questions and problems might never be solved sadly; but in the very least we can raise awareness to them and counteract this growing problem. As the internet grows so will the nutjobs on it, the best we can do is to remain civil, thoughtful, and open. Accept that there are people who will never see reason; the only way to fight it is to not buy into the fight and just let it pass by. Consider that you probably will never see the poster in real life, what's the point in insulting, or in getting upset at them? There is none.
Sorry, didn't mean to preach. I do that too often. Well, I'll have some thoughts on the C&C 3 Demo, LOTR Online, and Supreme Commander hopefully in my next broadcast. Yes the Gundam Online review was done months ago but the more I review it the less pleased i am with it. To that end I've thought of starting a small series on my exploits in game, a sort of video log of what's going on. It may end up being horribly boring but if you'd like to see it give a hollar.
Keep on Gamin!
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