@Celiria_Rose No doubt it is mostly the religious people responsible but it IS the religion that makes people act that way. They don't act that way for no reason; religion is the catalyst.
Unfortunately, I got burned by the save game loss bug so that has soured me to more games from this company. Really liked the game too and am a fan of the franchise in general. I've been playing video games for decades so I understand bugs, but to lose all your progress is simply unacceptable.
@SporkFireXPS @Argle @Col_Kilgore You're picking and choosing aspects of political ideologies. The thing is, you can't really do that since it's about the whole idea and not just parts of it.
@unwell-7 @Col_Kilgore @bigbadjoker @skelly1331 Yeah, because standards are always correct. Your example of not allowing two consenting adults to create a formal union is a great example of that. Some states also do not allow two adults to give each other oral sex. Actually, 18 states. So you allow these "standards" to tell you what is correct? Yeah, definitely not brainwashed.
@bigbadjoker @skelly1331 @unwell-7 @Col_Kilgore People's idea of morality may be subject, but the basic idea of morality itself is mostly not subject to change.
Hopefully not in the far future people like yourself who are against people that think and act differently from yourself will long be forgotten.
Col_Kilgore's comments