Hillary's not ready for president. Shes roasted.
CommandoAgent's forum posts
Afghanistan had a nice little niche in the opium market before the US went in. When the US went in they became the largest exporter of opium in the world. When US soldiers are guarding opium fields, and PMCs are doing it as operations, things are screwed up.
It seems rather then fighting the war on drugs the US gov has become a great exporter of drugs from Asian countries and onto Euprean streets.
Opium crops spread in Afghanistan as Taliban gains ground, UN says
"The cultivation of opium poppy in Afghanistan, the world's main source of heroin, has risen to its third-highest level in more than 20 years, the United Nations has said, as the Taliban insurgency gains ground."
Not only that the Taliban insurgency had gained ground after these 15 years but also have gained the trust of some local population with the Taliban insurgency, the locals no longer trust the western countries or NATO forces that are training the local forces.
If thats not bad enough these same Afghan local forces after the training some defect to the Taliban. But according to Hillary and the Democrats.
Libya was not a failure
Afghanistan was not a failure who cares? lets start another intervention so quickly again in Syria.
Trump wasn't able to unite the Republican Party and lead.
Trump isn't able to unite his own campaign and lead.
Who in their right mind thinks he can unite America and lead?
You mean the same Republican Party and lead that tried to defeat Trump during the primary? the same NeoCon Republicans?
Hillary asked multiple times about pay-to-play. She gave no answer and told Enemies how long it takes for Nukes to fly yeah She won nothing. She deflected the questions on Wikileaks which proves the emails are real.
During the last 8 years the government "Obama" only produced "cosmetic" progress on the economy showing a reality that is not based on reality.
Thanks Obama for such a great Recovery!
Electing Killary who promises higher taxes isnt going to help the economy.
Fed risks repeating Lehman blunder as US recession storm gathers
""It is a little scary. When nominal GDP slows like that, you can be sure that financial stress will follow. Monetary policy is too tight and the slightest shock will tip the US into recession," said Lars Christensen, from Markets and Money Advisory."
Wait here's the good part.
"The pronounced weakness of GDI relative to GDP might be an ominous omen, for it may well be indicating that a US recession is already underway - just as it was in 2007," he said."
@CommandoAgent: Funny, if live was so great then why did they have a revolution which turned into a civil war. Why did his own people kill him, Yeah, sounds like paradise to me, More like propoganda paradise.
Why yall Republicans love evil dictators all the sudden is confusing, yall need to stop drinking that koolaid.
You should ask your Hillary why she loves all the evil dictators in the gulf states giving her gifts. While Saudi women have no freedoms at all.
@CommandoAgent: Funny, if live was so great then why did they have a revolution which turned into a civil war. Why did his own people kill him, Yeah, sounds like paradise to me, More like propoganda paradise.
Why yall Republicans love evil dictators all the sudden is confusing, yall need to stop drinking that koolaid.
"Funny, if live was so great then why did they have a revolution which turned into a civil war."
Libya was the richest nation before the US/NATO intervention.
Because it was manufactured the protests.
"The aim is "regime change" of legitimate governments by small minorities. Should the "regime" resist to that the alternative of destroying the state and the whole society is also wholeheartedly accepted.
Several German media used of the "regime" slander for the dully elected Ukrainian government today and did some concern trolling about "peaceful demonstrators" while policemen in Kiev were doused with Molotov cocktails. It is very obvious what is going on here and the media are playing along with the politicians, militaries and secret services that are behind these "revolutions".
Color revolutions in the old form had become too obvious a scheme to be of further use. The concept was therefore extended to include intensive use of force and mercenaries and to support those forces from the outside with weapons, ammunition, training and other means. After Libya, where Gaddhafi forces are still fighting back, Syria was destroyed and now the Ukraine is the target. There are likely lists of other countries that shall be attacked by such means. What is really behind the Gezi-park demonstrations in Turkey and the protests in Bangkok? Are foreign powers behind these too or are they just copycat actions by local groups? How does Egypt fit in?"
I had being following this since 2011. Take some time to research it.
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