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ControllerFreek Blog

After 2 Years

After 2 years it is amazing to see so many people still logging in and playing SOCOM II online. I just recently got the game and was surprised to see so many faces there. At least 15000 people are playing at any given time.


This coming friday I am finally getting my paws on God of War! I am positive that this game will be either the greatest game of all time or the second greatest game of all time (behind MGS3 which recently beat out Ocarina of Time as my favorite game ever made).l

God of War

God of War is probably going to be my favorite PS2 game of all time, and probably then, my favorite game of all time.

Unions are sweet

I really like this new idea for these unions. I am already a member of the Violet Piranha Union and I am an officer of the Mythology of Jak and the Ottsels Union.

My Reviews

I would really appreciate it if people actually looked at my reviews and trusted me so I can get more trusts than simply five. But if you don't want to trust me after reading some of my reviews, than don't. They can obviously be found in my profile, but for a quicker entry just find my ControllerFreek reviews in games such as Jak 3, Ratchet and Clank 3, Prince of Persia 2, and Killzone. I have others such as Project: Snowblind, Kirby Air Ride, and Beyond Good and Evil as well.

Leveled up again

I just leveled up rather quickly since I have finally started posting messages in the boards. I have also reviewed quite a number of games since I got the privilege to do so by becoming level 6. I am now a Rad Racer. Who makes up such gay names for higher levels anyway? Ring King was a much better and more powerful title.

Chaos Theory

I am really bummed at how much was taken out of the PS2 version that is included in the XBOX version of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. Can you say, marginal exclusivity? I don't know, but the PS2 sorely lacks the online co-op mode and new weapons for the other online mode that the XBOX version gets to cherish.

Metal Gear Solid!!!

I can't believe how much I love Metal Gear Solid 3!!!! I mean I absolutely hated the second one, so I didn't have as much hope for the third. But damn if it isn't one of my favorite games of the this generation. Simply put, to not own this game in your PS2 collection would be murder!!!!

The Future of Gaming

Everybody has their favorite, whether it be Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft. The war constantly gets larger, and the flame consumes more. After the gaming "apocalypse", who will truly be the last man standing? Most people have it in their minds that Nintendo will die first. I agree, on the console side. But if Nintendo shifts their power to solely making handheld games, they may flourish anyway. Playstation's future is not looking as grim, but the XBOX is gaining steam in taking out the Sony system. If, however, Sony's PSP is huge around the world (it already is in Japan), then the enterprise will remain and probably decimate the competition. Microsoft has the graphical advantage as of yet, but it seems as if it may be beaten by both Nintendo and Sony come the next generation as the XBOX will be launching earlier than the other two consoles (or so speculation says). So I think it will ultimately be a struggle between Microsoft and Sony in the end, but I am of course going to root for the Playstation consoles.