[QUOTE="shroofnayef"] Arent you going to respond to my post? "Gameplay- KZ2 was anything but unbalanced, and you could switch the control scheme to match that of COD, unless thats what you think is "broken controls" Controls- Again, you could switch the control scheme to match that of COD, and its only people who where used to Halo, COD, etc that complained about the weighty feeling, which I thought was great . Graphics-....HR doesnt look anywhere near as good as KZ2 graphically, let alone KZ3. It does have better character models than KZ2, for the most part at least, but everything else in the technical department, KZ2 has much better. Also, visuals are subjective, so its whatever you want to think about its artstyle... Longevity-The reviewers at multiple sites even stated that KZ2 is more than worth the 60 dollars fee, and about the multiplayer, the main reason why there isnt that many people playing (10,000+) is because they could never get used to the weighty feel with the recoil of the weapons (Unlike H3 and COD) and the fact that quite a bit of them didnt realize that you could change your control layout, and they couldnt get used to the control scheme... Multiplayer-You do realize KZ2's multiplayer won 2009 best multiplayer of the year, right? (Keep in mind its no where near dead because I frequently play it). In that year, MW2 and Halo ODST (Which came with H3's multiplayer, were both beaten by KZ2, and its well deserved for that award. Music-The music in KZ2 was mentioned by reviewers as a very positive point, and it has recieved multiple awards. Also, they also have a famous and respectable team that created/is creating on the KZ2 and KZ3 music Characters-Ill give you that "xYamatox
CONTROLS - http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/03/patch-to-fix-killzone-2-controls-not-going-to-happen.ars (why dont you read it, most gamers were unhappy with the control scheme)
GRAPHICS - Reach is a lot bigger than Killzoen 3 could have dreamt of. At the same scale, Killzone 3 is dethroned without hesitation in the graphics department.
Longevity - How do you explain killzone 2 being outsold by 20 month old Halo 3 in its second month of sale?
^^360 fanboy must educate himself.
Does not change the fact that PS3 gamers were very unhappy with the controls. :)
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