Normally I would play both games on a yearly base but i'm not gonna play them anymore until this game comes out next year. THere's something about having the memories a bit malted in your mind without knowing all facts fresh in your head. This demo makes me remenisce so much about "just being there" as zoe
It's confusing at first. As i've been saying on the watchdogs fan forum, these specs seem a bit off. If you see that they need such big cpu requirements, but present a budget-y nvida card (560 ti) with only 1 GB as example, while stating in the general guidelines that you need "2gb vram" for recommended specs. That is curious.
And then for ultra, they only require a last generation nvidia card, (670 series)
I can conclude the following.
The game is optimized for AMD, which actually has 8 core cpu's for current gen computers. But intel doesn't, it has only "4 core" cpu's for consumper priced PC'ss. But those have 8 threads, and that is the nuance here. Intel works with threads.
It's a bit rediculous that a game should ask a server / AV workstation class cpu to play a consumer game. So I think you have to see the examples given and not look at the guidelines. Becuase those examples that they give are are more reliable.
However i can understand that it's 64bit only though.
I'm breaking my head here to think of a "hole in the universe" that this story could arise from. If it's the same booker dewitt that doesn't drwon and get baptized , it means that anna will never become elizabeth so he can't meet her while '"anna' is in the same universe. If they're just telling a story from a "what if" standpoint , then they actually contradict those standpoints of "there's always a lighthouse". If there's always an elizabeth there can't be an anna. A cat can't be a cow at the same time.
@SirNormanislost @CosmicD Then Elizabeth would have been very clumsy :). That would mean that the booker dewitt she meets in rapture is actually comstock. Unless he acts as if he's booker dewitt, he started his business agian (we saw the door). and he took his merrits and left columbia?
But after all I'm curious what twist they are going to give it as it's "infinite". However it seems they just wanted to do "something in rapture". But you know that's ok because I get to control elizabeth :)
@Xx_Kares_xX @CosmicD The only thing that I really had problems with as a trekkie who was brought up with "time travel stuff" is the vagueness of the baptize. But I can live with the fact that she really picked ONLY those booker dewitts who actually not passed out and reborn.
It was valid if it would be a story element where elizabeth wasn't saved from the asylum by dewitt but then they would know eachother, and he would know her.
What I don't understand is , how can Elizabeth be the women shown in rapture if she actually never existed in the first place. In bioshock infinite we see how she drowns every possible booker dewitt who took the baptize to be reborn again as comstock. That means that anna never became elizabeth.
So Ken Levine talks about how she has become darker because of the torture chamber and drowning Dewitt, but how is this possible if she actually undoes herself by drowning him?
It's not because these squatters register a random domain in the hope that it will become a bribe in the future ?
It's also silly. They are a bit egocentric and don't think about web accessibility. If you have to go to an adress that's longer (like just because some nobody has snatched the original, that's also not so great for your company.
I feel like being a huge fan, and as a huge fan I must try. Then we can make sure the 2 stories will come. As fans we always wanted to continue April's story and we were a bit stopped cold but it was hugely refreshing at the same time to play Zoës story as well, now there's double expectation and more TLJ coming, so why wouldn't a fan pledge for it ?
CosmicD's comments