YOu can be overpowered in dead space as well. Even if the pacing is sometimes unexpected, all you do (when you know the game well) is shoot the arms and they die. The cool thing about it is that you can kinda choose what you shoot and they wii respond differently on it, like it's diabolically pleasent to see a necromorp crawling at you with one arm or with his exploding boil that you shoot off and use against him.
I would really like to see an alien game with "overpowered aliens". I can already imagine the hate on those forums talking about how everyone dies all the time and how you always loose your stuff if you do. People don't like losing their stuff because it's entertainment and they don't want to be held back all the time.
the"too much penalty" stuff ain't for the masses. Then I guess that alien game won't be for the masses either.
The AI and gameplay has to be diverse. ACM's ai is dumber than a tank in l4d that basicly fishes at you all the time and it seeks every shortcut it can to get at you. If the alien ai could do that, and also choose the opposite thing, you know.. seek every shortcut to dash away from you as fast as possible. Then that would already be a bit more engaging, cause they could switch this behavior depending certain criteria.
The prob in AC:M isn't so much the story or shooterness, it's the way it's brought that's kinda dry and "we don't really care" ish. There's huge potential in using more variation in powerloader/coop missions. They don't use it often enough.
Yay, more points for better graphics, Aliens colonial marine's A to B linear gameplay is bashed extra hard because the graphics are medicore. This is the reason why I don't believe reviewers anymore. (hmm I actually never did). PLayed crysis 2 and that's reason enough not to buy it. Because the gameplay is ennervating, hide 70%/ cloak and shoot the other 30
I have never felt much love for games like COD. I have bought my first COD game last year , played 3 maps and quit. Shooting people is in any way not fun to me because it already happens so much in this world, and no matter which nice story is sculpted around it, it's still shooting people and from an immersive gameplay experience.
I litterally fell asleep once playing battlefield 3. Because all you do there is hide, re treat, hide retreat hide retreat and everyone is shooting from whatever their piece of trash or car they are sitting behind and if you don't move they dont move cause they want to stay hidden..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :P Then you have these nice scripted event that tell you about a nice mistaken identity story and you can just do the same.
The weird thing is that I like games like left 4 dead and dead space much more because the enemies there are more artistic liberty, are actually engaging because at least they come at you and not spam you to death from under a ditch...
I wonder why they ask out loud about local splitscreen coop while complaining about loosing the scary desolate feeling, if there's one thing that would completely destroy that it's if you're sitting next to your friend babbling and laughing while playing this game. OFcourse it's better that the coop is online, at least that can retain the feeling that at least you are alone, in your room :P being alone in the game doesn't mean that it will get any scary. What happens if your partner dies ? :P even in left 4 dead if you end up alone it's thats more scary :P
I'm kinda exchillerated that I think the same as him, l4d is not only the last good "asymatrical" game between monsters and humans, but the ONLY one. The ONLY flaw that l4d has is that it promotes individualism. headshots and skeets shouldn't be in A:CM ever!
The title alone makes me want to shout out loud "leave the pubstarring in fps shooters please". I go for a relaxed adventure, not for e-peen in hack & slash games.
CosmicD's comments