I'm not a fanboy, I admitted all the extra features of Live are better than PSN, obviously.
And I didn't say online play was more important, but honestly, who plays Halo, Gears, Call of Duty or Left 4 Dead for their single player?
I agree it is stupid that this generation has so many Multiplayer focused games (thank God for MGS4, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, inFamous, Uncharted, Prince of Persia, etc. for offering strong single players). But if MicroSoft is going to make all their first party and heavily marketed games Multiplayer Focused, how much a choice are they really giving you to pay for XBOX Live? They are denying you part of the experience. PLUS You can buy the downloadable content for even MORE money. Obviously they are choices, but there is a HUGE difference between not buying the new maps for a game and simply not being able to play it online at all because you refuse to pay more than the already ridiculous $60 a game.
Also, PC has much better online (including mods and free content) for FREE. There is no good reason Microsoft should charge for basic online play.
Like I said before, the stuff like Avatar's and advanced matchmaking, hell, even PROFILES. Go ahead make those Gold only. But playing a game of Halo or Gears should only require the Silver account.
And I never said you need a Wifi adapter. But not everybody has the option for a wired connection, Wireless is much more convienient and SHOULD have been built into the elite.
While we're on the subject, don't you hate how Sony only gives you 2 CRAZILY overpriced options if you want to upgrade your hard drive? Oh wait.
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