@LittleSaintGoph The live chat during the Sony conference on here was full of PS fans saying the conference was completely underwhelming and lackluster. It was only until the policy announcements/price that everyone got extremely excited.
@legomyego21 In all seriousness, I think this is the only legit complaint about this issue. For those serving oversees and those who have little to no internet connection abilities in certain areas. Anyone else shouldn't really complain compared to these people.
If you are already connected to every device you own 24/7 and already deal with it going out the 5% of the time due to storms or whatever a year and are still complaining about this with the Xbox One, you are oblivious.
@Slvrshot I feel the same exact way. Sony totally used the "underdog politics" approach. other than the policy graphics, it seemed very lackluster even to PS fans. The chat on here was full of disappointment until that announcement.
All I want is for both companies to put everything on the table during this E3. No more making us wait and no more hiding stuff. How much longer will it take before they finalize all the details? I thought we were all under the impression things would be fully answered this week.
I agree, the real truth will be when the consoles are revealed and everyone has first hand experience with both. That's all i'm waiting for at this point anyway.
No one says you have to buy these systems on day 1.
@Dirk_McHardpeck @Merseyak Yup, just because it's called a console war (which essentially is for the business aspect of it, who can draw more customers) it should not mean all the people should take that word literally and act like Spartans going into battle. :-p
@houshidar @RandyAU93 @obsequies @Gamerhomer Xbox is giving away free games as well... also, we don't need internet to watch movies, watch tv or use other features. It's only the games that need a check in.
For the record, the 30 day friend things IS silly, but its utterly pointless and shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
CraZkid37's comments