I'm used to logging in by pressing the Facebook button, but for the last 2 days it doesn't work, and I've tested it on 2 desktop computers (1 outside my network) and my laptop. So I'm sure the problem is not mine. I've, obviously, already linked my account so that's not the reason. The cursor turns into a hand when hovering over, but pressing it does absolutely nothing. Any help? Thanks in advance!
Crash_WL's forum posts
there's a fundamental difference in that you're actively killing the virtual person, while the people in 3rd world countries are dying by some other means. that and the whole proximity thing. unless you're admitting to murdering children... then i'd completely understand your incapability to empathize[QUOTE="Sword-Demon"][QUOTE="Creator_Of_All"]
I never understood why people get so sentimental about the concept of killing a virtual beeing and have no problem with the million actual chldren that die every day in 3rd world countires or the billions of animals sluaghtered each year so we can eat them
Real life has so much to worry about and moralise on that frankly vitual killing seems like a walk in the park
The thing is that you are not actively killing anything, unless someone cant tell a virtual creature from a real one
So, how can i care for a virtual thing that "dies" when in fact does not ? I just have to start a new game+ and will be there again :)
It's called "the 4th wall", ever heard of it? If not, Google it, or stop posting on a topic that's obviously none of your interest, please.Oh well, I've got a good sense of humor, so I'll most likely won't notice that... :P
I also posted on the Facebook Official Castlevania page asking people about it, but no luck there either. So I suppose I was most likely mistaken, or was lucky enough to have played a phantom beta.
All this was thanks to the excellent excecution of the whole level, how she said it, how not only she but her people regarded her. Those 2 sentences you mentioned had more impact on me than most paragraphs. Few games make me think of myself as a cold blooded murderer like Demon's Souls.The whole game had me thinking, something games seldomly do.
[spoiler] Who really was the old one? Why did he lend me his power (faith) if my goal was to defeat him and his minions? Did he want me to succeed or was he slowly luring me into a trap? Since I was equally soul/power hungry as the enemies and demons I fought, how long would it take for me to be corrupted by the power I obtain? Was I doing the right thing killing Maiden Astraea, she seemed corrupt, yet benevolent? She obviously used dark powers but in a positive way, could she perhaps have found a way to resist the old one's corruption? As unlike all other demon touched individuals, she had no thirst for souls. She had kept her sanity. [/spoiler] Maroxad
Yeah I agree, she was the only corrupted Archdemon that kept her sanity. She could speak, unlike all the others. I thought of that too, [spoiler] why did the Old One give me everything while I was meant to attack him in the first place? And when I read the Talisman of Beasts' description, I felt like a tool, if you remember what it said. "... of Beasts", so I was a beast myself, no better than the Archdemons. [/spoiler]
Felt like that too myself, I just didn't like killing them... And when Garl said "Dearest Astraea, I have failed you...", with Astraea then saying "Take your precious Demon's Soul" and committing suicide, I just felt like an *******. It's true that she used dark power to help the people, but at least she didn't attack outside her vicinity, she just protected her people and her "town".That level was short and sweet. It wasnt that long but it was really powerful and led me to feel how all the demon souls I have obtained have slowly corrupted me. Almost like the old one was in a sense using me in order to kill off his old demons in order to build up a super demon, besides I too, just like maiden astrea had built up a lot of demon souls inside me.Maroxad
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