Criminal5's forum posts
I'm going to be extremely uncreative about this, because this has been said over and over again, but A Preemo+Nas callabo album would probably be so awesome, I can't even think of enough adjectives to describe it.
I think I'd rather have Nas/Pete Rock.
That's like whole other level of being high :shock:Proobie44
Before Hendrix died, he and Miles Davis were discussing the possibility of working an album together. Now that would've been music to shoot heroin to.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you guys? Stop talking out of your asses and start using your mouths. "LOL u mad dunny [rapper] sucks." "wtf are you going on about...just leave b4 u make a fool of yourself..."
Are you kidding me?
Super Lyrical is and will always be my favorite. Lyrical geniusesb1118
The first four bars of that song are in the stratosphere.
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