@VenkmanPHD @ragnarok160 I agree with Ragnarok. I think the ending sucked ass because it was intentionally a cliff hanger that was based around the "DLC" about the downfall of Vergil. It's like the whole ending was just a set up for "OKAY IF YOU WANNA SEE THE REST, BETTER BUY OUR DLC!". They really pulled a Bioware with that s*@#.
I bought this game, and It is P-fun, I was pleased with the graphics and combat in general but it's way too F#%$ing easy god damn it! Demon Evade = GG, instant SSS style rating and kill everything hecka quick. I agree that the game does seem dumbed down a little bit to appeal to casuals. And I am on Son of Sparda difficulty.
@da1writer: Oh i see, well you are right I actually haven't been commenting long mostly just recently so I may have missed some things. And yes I see what you mean, I too will play any game I have access to that are fun despite what console they are on. I would like to play Demons Souls for example but my budget won't allow it as I can't afford another console. And based on what I've read and seen I agree PC surpasses consoles in terms of graphics. My main point was just that this article (and MW2 specifically) were the best comparison I had to go off of. I played the PS3 version at my friends house and enjoyed it just as much as I do on my Xbox. I noticed no difference while playing cause, well..who notices the textures while your running trying to shoot people? haha. The only real difference was that his PS3 controllers don't vibrate but I understand that can be fixed by buying ones that do I believe.
I personally do not recall anyone saying "this game is less fun on PS3 because it doesn't look as good as it does on Xbox."... I feel the same way, graphics don't necessarily make the game. But that is what this whole article is for,to show a comparison. And "Be a gamer" is kind of a misguided, broad, and opinionated statement... obviously if SalarianChemist wasn't a gamer, he wouldn't be posting comments on here concerning video games.
@Xerfex and Da1writer: The graphics of the console in itself isn't being measured by this comparison....The graphics of non exclusive games are. There simply aren't enough exclusives for both systems to have a prolonged comparison and its much easier to compare how both consoles make the same game look. Comparing how MW2 looks on PS3 and Xbox 360 is a much better way to compare than for example, Demons Souls compared to Splinter Cell. Its just much easier to make observations and tell the difference when comparing multi console games rather than comparing exclusives that often arent even the same genre of game..
Yeah I honestly agree with RurouniStorm.... Uncharted 2 DOES look really good but its not exactly innovative. A third person shooter with a cover system..and the "Boosters" in the online multiplayer kind of seemed like a inconspicuous copy of the Perks from Call of Duty 4. I am not just saying this out of assumptions or things I have read, I have played the game.
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