If you're having fun but can't give your opinion about the game without lying about the state of it - then obviously your opinion doesn't matter. Let's put this into different context, but with the exact same point: Am I on a high-horse if I don't value an illiterate's opinion on the book "Atlas Shrugged"? If that's the case then I must be a real asshole for not seriously accepting a blind man's opinion on paintings of art. You might think that these are irrelevant situations, but they are very much so relevant and the point is the same fucking thing...
Just because you have an opinion doesn't automatically mean it has value... and just because you're having fun with the game doesn't mean that it's not broken in more ways than you can count. If anything, you should be able to see why people are having a negative opinion on the game and respect that they have a very valid reason for their opinion. Hell, I like BF4 and it's a lot of fun - but if you can't accept that it's a broken PoS right now, then you're either in denial or just ignorant to what makes a game broken. Things are more complicated than black and white. It's a fun game, sure, and I'd love to recommend it, but to believe it was released in an acceptable state leads me to believe that some people here are delusional. As I said, the problems that people are complaining about en masse are problems that are universally effecting everyone. If you think these problems don't attest to the game's broken state, then what you're really doing is just saying you have lower standards than everyone else.
Many of us just think the standards should be a little higher for a finished game, sorry you disagree. But to shrug this game's issues off and "oh it crashed once for me and that's everything wrong with it that I've experienced" leads me to believe that someone isn't even playing the same game as the rest of us. Spend five minutes searching up "BF4 bug" on Youtube and you will discover the dozens of game-breaking issues that manage to effect everyone's experience except a small minority who apparently received a significantly less buggy version of the game.
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