And what "knowledge" is that exactly? How does one exploit "knowledge" from making a shitty tower defence game in working on a 1st person action survival game? The 2 games couldn't be any more different in nature or scope. The only reason that Trendy had any grounds is that he was stupid enough to sign their garbage agreement to begin with & they were big enough parasites to see that they could legally steal profits from something they barely had any rights to. The whole thing is a disgusting example of why non-competes are universally hated & need to be outlawed ASAP.
All of you congratulating Trendy need to understand what this "contract" was. It was a "non-compete", basically you'd have a lot of trouble finding a job in that industry without signing one yet if you do sign one & need to find another job for whatever reason then you're fucked. You're stuck not being able to get work in an industry that for most who work in game development is where all of your experience is. They're disgusting, hateful pieces of paper that hurt employees & hinder innovation & anyone who tries to force someone to sign one is scum as far as many people in the tech industry are concerned. That being said the guy was stupid enough to sign one. The sooner they're outlawed the better.
Seriously Gamespot, it's time that you got rid of that worthless abortion you call your "video player". It barely works, it stutters constantly & it uses far too much bandwidth than it needs to. 300,000 different video players on the internet & yours is the only one that's consistently fucking useless. Just get rid of it & use YouTube for everything.
So I spent 6 hours playing "sport" today did I? Didn't know that wanking around on a PS4 for the afternoon put me into the same category as an athlete.
Why would anyone sign a contract that says "hey game dev, if you leave your job with us you're not allowed to work in the gaming industry for as long as we say you can't so enjoy unemployment or enjoy minimum wage working at Walmart". To expect someone to sit around for a few years unable to work in their chosen field if they choose to leave a job for whatever reason is a disgrace. I would have told them to gargle my balls.
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