Whaaaaaaa...... there's not enough flowers & sparkly unicorn farts in my superhero movie. Want a happy, upbeat movie? Go watch the latest thing from Pixar.
Neither side is inherently good or bad but both sides have their evil agitators. Both sides are trying to stop a war that will destroy their people. Read the lore, it's easy to find this stuff out.
I couldn't care less about more wood & metal door variants. What about the Targeting HUD power armour mod bug that causes NPC's to attack for no reason, the one that people have repeatedly reported & complained about since last November? What about the bug that causes water purified by purifiers at settlements to not appear in the Aid menu? Come one Bugthesda, get your act together.
The lying grifter made a fortune off her last kickstarter con and now she's asking for more money to spread more lies & misinformation? Some people are so stupid it's amazing that they even remember how to breathe.
Thanks for the spoiler Eddie you knob-jockey. Besides, who fucking cares if they both lost their latest fights. They're both incredible athletes who've accomplished more in the last few years than some git who cut & pastes clickbait for a living ever will.
CrouchingWeasel's comments