Better than letting your wang get you into the kind of trouble that forces you to have to hand over hundreds of millions of dollars to a woman that wouldn't know what end of a golf club was the business end.
Your first mistake is thinking that SJW extremists have ANY real, measurable influence upon the purchasing habits of the overwhelming majority of gamers. Just because the collective disgrace that is the "mainstream gaming media" has thrown in their hat with con artists like Sarkeesian & her ilk doesn't mean that the overwhelming majority of gamers support either their or her positions respectively regarding the ridiculous preoccupation with alleged unrealistic or "sexist" portrayals of women or violence towards women in gaming.
They all, to a wilfully ignorant person, completely ignore the fact that men have always been, and still are the primary recipients of in game violence or the subject of unrealistic portrayals of the male physique since gaming first crawled into the 3D era & even before then with game packaging but it's somehow OK to SJW's & the gaming media that continues to give them undeserved oxygen for women to play any game full of musclebound men & then slaughter them by the score onscreen until it bores them but men playing a game involving women in skimpy clothing playing volleyball is just plain wrong to these mouth-breathing idiots.
It seems to me that the gaming media, grifters like Sarkeesian & SJW's in general consider all people to be equal & worthy of special consideration, just as long as those people have boobs & a uterus.
Who's being rude to whom? If you want to talk about who has evidence to support their "agenda" you have even less to support your flimsy as hell position that a company refusing to publish a game that SJW extremists & their gaming media mouthpieces would have pounced upon had it been released here in the West chose instead to base their refusal to localise & release the game outside of Asia as solely "a business decision" even though they haven't said anywhere "it was just a business decision". Read the press release again.
Come back when you learn to use the English language at at least a 3rd grade level, Cletus. "Objectivation", "u", "r", and "ur" are not words in any language.
As always this should be nothing more than a case of "If you don't like it, don't play it". Pretty goddamned simple. People are sick to death of the whinging minority of overly vocal fascists who feel that their choice to take offense to something & then revel in their "victimhood" somehow entitles them to not only demand that something either be changed or banned but to actually expect that that level of arrogance should be met by & rewarded with full compliance. Liberal extremists need to go back to the rock they crawled out from under, disappear back beneath it & leave the rest of us to exercise our right as free individuals to choose to either play or to not play something without having some narcissistic liberal screaming at us that we're bigots, whatever-ists or something-or-other-phobes if we don't fully comply with their arrogant demands. This kind of censorship is what exactly what happens when extremists like Anita Sarkeesian, her ilk & those who support them are treated as anything other than the oxygen thieves that they are.
Maybe Sony & Microsoft will develop UHD consoles when more developers start creating UHD content. Despite what ignorant people like yourself think there aren't enough developers creating the content to make the expense of creating & having to sell a UHD console even remotely feasible. Want to play 4K games? Buy a fucking PC.
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