The one thing your customers really want from Valve & you guys just flat out refuse to do anything about it despite the fact that the people who bought HalfLife put Valve on the map. Most people couldn't care less about miniature PC's that still can't play games made for consoles. Most people just want HalfLife 3.
I have. Massive amounts of lag for everyone in my raid team that renders even trying to go on pointless. Having enemies look like they're teleporting all over the place & not being able to damage them is getting really, really old.
I'm hoping that this release is an attempt to build enough capital to start work on a 3rd. They'd damn well better start work on a 3rd because people still expect the 4th one as well.
That video looked like rotten dog shit. This is still the single worst video player that the internet has ever shat out. Why GameSpot continues to bother with it is beyond the understanding of any reasonable person. No resolution options so every video looks like utter shite. Every video is as choppy as shit in full screen. The fact that they don't just use YouTube instead of continuing to subject people to this abortion shows how far this site has fallen. If they're going to insist on using their own video player they could at least make sure it damn well works.
Agreed. Driving in the new 1st person mode is s##t. Really wish they'd do the right thing & listen to the anger online & bring back the old hood camera.
@Sam_021 Why is that a joke? First person driving is ridiculous, over half of the screen is taken up by the interior of the car. I get that some people might enjoy not being able to see the road properly when driving in the new first person mode but the fact that they took away the hood camera just to try & force people to use their broken first person view is complete & utter BS. Yes there's still third person but it's just as ridiculous trying to control both the car & the camera during a high speed chase. Rockstar fked up by removing the old hood camera & many people are rightly pi$$ed off that they did so. It still remains to be seen if they have the decency to put it back in after all of the flack they've copped online about it.
I can't understand why they didn't allow for co-op during the campaign. Being able to drop in to someone's or have someone else drop into your party would have been a great option. Too bad they instead decided to include the type of multiplayer they ended up going with.
A "prologue"? The story sucks because there isn't one, it was torn kicking & screaming out of the game in the last part of development. The missing cutscenes, the vast discrepancies between the dev videos a year or so back & what actually ended up making it into the game prove that what Bungie promised & what they actually gave us are 2 completely different games. You might be fine with being deceived but don't expect everyone else to be ok with half of a game.
CrouchingWeasel's comments