You're in a damn small group then if you want to pay more for less. What sort of BS reasoning is that? Buy COD & Battlefield then if you want ludicrously short campaigns instead of expecting devs to make shorter games just so that you can binge on them like a bulimic cheerleader. The vast majority of us expect some value for our money rather than just pissing it up against a wall on worthless, throwaway games.
I was really enjoying this game until I got to a point where I was mantling along whilst hanging from a ledge & then discovered that this douchenozzle of a goblin is too crap useless to just keep on going around a corner, he just stops & can only mantle in a straight line. I have to pull up to the top of the ledge, walk past the corner & drop back down again, real handy when you'd like to mantle around a corner to get past some enemies. Splinter Cell had this basic feature over 10 years ago so how is it that no one ever noticed the lack of it during the development & testing of this game? I get that these guys aren't a AAA studio but seriously......
No it's not always better. I preferred 30fps when I played Last of Us remastered, 60fps looked damn weird. I don't expect you or anyone else to agree with me but don't expect me to agree with you either.
Seriously, your behaviour here & spam posting is equally as entitled & elitist, not to mention juvenile & trollish to boot. You're nothing more than a fanboy on the other side of the fence. Pot, meet kettle.
CrouchingWeasel's comments